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    This DIY Galaxy Yoga Mat Is Insanely Cute

    Ohhmmmmmygod so cute.

    Get an extra dose of zen by transforming your plain yoga mat into a dreamy galaxy by BuzzFeed Nifty.

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    What you need:

    *One light colored yoga mat (doesn't need to be white)

    *Teal Acrylic paint

    *Blue Acrylic paint

    *Black acrylic paint

    *White acrylic paint



    *A 5 1/2 foot piece of thick ribbon thread

    *A sewing needle

    *Mod podge


    Lay your mat out in a large area so that you can reach all sides. With a sponge, dab some of the teal paint onto the spots you want to make your galaxies.

    Swirl the paint outwards creating arms. Scrub it into the texture of the mat well. Once the whole mat is covered in the first layer of paint, begin outlining the spirals with the blue paint. Blend them lightly.

    On the outside edges of the mat, add some black paint. this will make your galaxies pop! Go back over the black paint with a bit of blue to blend into a midnight blue. Blend any last areas together to give a distant, dreamy feel.

    If you want to add a constellation, scrub in round dots with the teal paint, and then add a white dot in the center.

    If you want to add a carrying strap, (which can also be used to hang it on the wall when not in use!) cut out a thick piece of ribbon, and sew it to an end of the mat leaving 18 inches of ribbon loose on each side. This will leave enough slack to tie the mat up after rolling.

    If you want to add a finishing coat of mod podge to the mat, you can brush it on with a sponge, but it is not necessary. The acrylic paint soaks into the spongy surface of the mat, and will not come off under heat, water, or friction. (Trust us, we tried!)

    Enjoy your cosmic workout!

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