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    How To Play Quidditch

    The basics explained by a current player at the University of Texas at Austin.

    Yes, quidditch is a real thing now. In light of the International Quidditch Association World Cup taking place this weekend in Frankfurt, Germany, here are the ins and outs of the game.

    Quidditch is a mixed gender, full contact sport.

    There are seven players on each team (One keeper, one seeker, two beaters, and three chasers). After 18 minutes of game play, the seekers are released onto the field to try to catch the snitch.

    But how does the snitch work?

    Four balls are placed at the center of the field at the start of the game--three bludgers (slightly deflated dodgeballs) and a quaffle (a slightly deflated volleyball).

    Both the chasers and keepers job is to advance the quaffle down the field. These players try to shoot the quaffle through one of three hoops, awarding that team 10 points.

    The beaters job is to hit other players with the bludger to restrict them from advancing. If a player is hit by the bludger, they must drop any ball they may have been holding and run back to their team's hoops.

    Those are the basics! Still trying to figure out how to fly though…