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    I Went To Shanghai Disneyland And It Was Insane

    There's no Space Mountain, no It's A Small World, no Jungle Cruise, and not even a Haunted Mansion. But believe it or not, you won't even care.

    Hey! I'm Carlye. In perhaps what is one of the most can't-believe-this-actually-exists jobs of all time, I write about theme parks for a living.

    I just got back from the opening of Shanghai Disneyland, and holy hell, was it cool.

    1. TRON LightCycle Power Run

    2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle For The Sunken Treasure

    3. Roaring Rapids

    4. Camp Discovery Challenge Trails

    5. Soaring Over The Horizon

    6. Peter Pan’s Flight

    7. Hunny Pot Spin

    8. The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh

    9. Voyage To The Crystal Grotto

    But now for the big question — when can I go back!?