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    11 Things Worse Than Having A Dad In The Tea Party

    I'm running for Congress in a special election on October 15th. Over 350,000 people watched an ad we made where I 'came out' to my Tea Party dad as a proud Massachusetts liberal. If you didn't see it, it went something like this:

    Lots of people are saying they relate to the ad, and we've gotten a bunch of donations at But, I'd like to remind them that there ARE worse things than having a dad in the Tea Party…

    1. A dad with slippery hands

    2. That dad who NEVER wears pants when he goes outside to grab his morning paper

    3. A dad who talks a bit too much about his "special time" with your mom

    4. A dad who happens to be a Sith Lord

    5. A dad with cooler tattoos than you

    6. A dad that blends into the background

    7. A dad who’s overly emotional

    8. When your dad is President of the United States

    9. A dad who’s always looking over your shoulder

    10. When your dad has more game then you do

    11. Crocs. Nuff said

    … but in the end, however they manage to mortify us, we always know they love us and will always support us in their own unique way.

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