Reminder: You Should Never Wear Bootcut Jeans

    Your trousers should never double up as a street sweeper.

    Every now and again you'll stumble across a headline asking "Are bootcut jeans back?"

    The answer to this question should be NO.

    Always No.

    Do you really want to bring back the dark days of the early '00s?

    When mankind abandoned all hope and decency in pursuit of denim to mop the floor with?

    Is this what you want people to think of you?

    Stonewashed bootcut jeans. International code for 'I'm a prick'.

    Think about how it's damaging future relationships.

    Skinny and slim fit may annoy at times but is this what you want from your life?

    Don't let the Devil use you like this.

    Britney no.

    Britney... stahp

    Maybe you think Beyonce can pull it off.

    Nope. Not even Beyonce.

    Literally the only person who can pull this off is Simon Cowell.

    And that's because he's a weird anti-fashion vacuum.

    You do not possess the charisma to make this work.

    Friends don't let friends end up here.
