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    How To Find Mr Right This Christmas

    Not all of us are lucky enough to meet Mr Darcy over a turkey curry buffet. Rebecca Raisin, author of CHRISTMAS WEDDING AT THE GINGERBREAD CAFE, offers advice on how to find Mr Right this Christmas.

    1. Wearing an ugly Christmas sweater is a must! This will potentially weed out any Mr Right Nows… after all you’re in for the long haul, you want Mr Right!

    2. Don’t dwell on the past! Think of your shiny loved up future!

    3. Hydrate, Hydrate, HYDRATE! This is a marathon, not a sprint.

    4. It’s imperative to keep positive! You will find Mr Right! It’s only a matter of time!

    5. Keep your cool if you do invite Mr Right home for a cup of steaming hot gingerbread coffee.

    6. Any potential Mr Right obviously has to pass the best friend test first…So make sure he’s a keeper before you introduce him to your BFF.

    7. Remember to look for a soul mate who has similar interests to you.

    8. Though, sometimes you might have to think outside the square. Quirky can be cute!

    9. Some inspiration for you when it comes to finding The One…

    10. When all else fails, remember someone loves you unconditionally…