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    7 Things Sen. Ted Cruz Taught Us In 21 Hours

    He promised he would talk until he couldn't stand. But who knew we would learn so much? Senator Ted Cruz of Texas held an almost-filibuster in which he railed against Obamacare for 21 hours on the Senate floor.

    1. His daughters love Green Eggs and Ham.

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    And he read it to them on CSPAN during his faux filibuster.

    2. He loves White Castle.

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    He said, "I like their little burgers" while musing on how Obamacare threatens to slow their growth. Meaning fewer delicious little burgers.

    3. Duck Dynasty is a wise, all-American show.

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    His favorite quotes? "You put five rednecks on a mower, it's gonna be epic," and "You call 911. At home, I am 911."

    4. Chinese Gooseberries are from New Zealand.

    5. The 100 Years War was actually 116 years long.

    6. Camel brushes are actually made of squirrel fur.

    7. "Y'know, Latins love white suits."