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17 Reasons Why Living In 2013 Is Way Better Than Living In 1668

Disease! Famine! No wifi! We could go on forever. Get a taste of what life was like back in the day with a little Captain Morgan. He was a real dude, by the way.

1. You don't have to be on a boat for 4 months if you want to see what's going on in Europe.

2. You don't have to die in the same town you grew up in.

3. Siri is a more reliable source of information than a parrot.

4. Scurvy is all but eradicated these days.

5. You don't have to wait for a man on horseback to deliver a message across the 13 colonies. You can just shoot a text.

6. The chances of you being burned at the stake for being a witch are much, much smaller

7. Unlimited Breadsticks at Olive Garden.

8. More thought goes into prosthetics.

9. Beyonce.

10. People have teeth.

11. Modern plumbing is something we all take for granted.

12. No need to find sugarcane, cut it down, and distill if yourself. You can buy rum at your local package store.

13. Horsepower is different now.

14. Women's fashion doesn't always involve agonizing pain.

15. Wifi is pretty much everywhere.

16. Dueling to the death isn't a thing anymore. You just fight on Twitter until it peters out.

17. Oh, well. Ok. I guess there's still this. Fine, 1668, you get one point.