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    How DC Is Going To Claim Its Rightful Place In 2016

    Although Marvel has dominated the box office and our DVRs since the release of Iron Man, DC has begun to dish out some new sci-fi thrillers that you should be anticipating.

    My own personal theory, take it or leave it, DC's popularity began to decline after the tragedy that hung over many Batman fans in the Colorado area in the year 2012. You may remember at the midnight premiere of The Dark Night Rises in a theatre in Aurora, Colorado, a young man with orange-dyed hair shot and killed 12 people, and injuring 60 others. It was a tragedy that affected all of Colorado for years (literally, look it up). But I'm not here to put a damper on DC, and I won't lecture you on the implications this sadness may or may not have caused.

    After that, DC seemed to fall back into the shadows. Maybe it was the lack of continuous Superman movies. Maybe Marvel was just doing so well kicking ass in, first, the theatres and then eventually the television with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in 2013. Whatever the reason, DC has decided it's done being second-best among the box-office; however, it didn't quite get up after falling down with such vigor as it had in past years. In 2011, Green Lantern received on average negative reviews, so much that Ryan Reynolds decided to fraternize with the enemy thus becoming Deadpool. The CW Network picked up Arrow in 2013, but it didn't quite make viewers gravitate over to the other side quite yet. And even Man of Steel didn't get the reception that everyone was hoping for.