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    The 15 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Hire Me....

    Hi there! My name is Candyce. If I’ve forwarded this link to you, it means that I think you’re pretty rad and I’d really love to work with you. If you’ve just stumbled across this post, then feast your pretty little eyes on something awesome…but seriously though feel free to skip to the end and move onto something more relevant to your interests, like pugs or Minecraft.

    1. Having had the opportunity to be a social media/pr intern(guru) whilst maintaining a freelance graphic designer role has been amazing!

    2. But to be honest, I think it’s about time that I get a real job with a real pay check.

    3. And like everyone, I have a dream to be successful, and happy whilst doing so.

    4. So as far as right now goes, my willingness to do anything and do it anywhere in the world is as high as Mt. Everest.

    5. Although my experience is very social media and graphic design based, I am passionate about creating smart and shareable content that surrounds the fashion industry.

    6. As far as my UX/web/graphic design skills go, I am quite able to create some pretty decent, clean content for the inter-web.

    7. I have strong editing skills, which I have developed from having the opportunity to fact-check at my current internship, as well as a massive passion for the written word.

    8. I have the ability to understand the newest trends within social media. I am a social media intern after all.

    9. My proficiency in all things Mac and most things PC are outta this world!

    10. I’m all good for office morale… when someone cries, I’m all sympathetic and shit. But with my professionalism I am comfortable liasing with everyone.

    11. I am generally quite a positive, friendly and dedicated person, with a curious disposition.

    12. I may not have a problem with working alone, but I’m all for a team effort. Being able to bounce ideas off others is normally a great way to get through massive projects.

    13. At the end of the day, I grew up in the pop-culture era and is willing to work in any area from lifestyle and entertainment to food and tech.

    14. As well as being passionate about the written word, film and fashion, I also enjoy having dinner with friends and family, cooking/baking, traveling and sleeping.

    15. And Finally.. I’m pretty brave. I fight crime on the weekends, hence why lots of sleep is necessary. So don’t try looking for me as I’m stealthy like a ninja and you’ll never find me.