"Toy Story" Has An Honest Trailer And It Will Make You Question Everything

    To infinity and BE-wait... what?

    The people over at Screen Junkies created such an honest trailer for Toy Story, it'll make you look at the movie in a totally different way and ruin your childhood.

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    Let's just start with the fact that a major running theme in Toy Story is "the existential dread that you will one day outlive your purpose and be replaced by someone newer and better."

    Maybe their life wasn't that cool...

    And with all the yelling out windows and running on streets, why didn't human beings EVER NOTICE THEM.

    And what about those colorful character descriptions?

    I guess he did freak out when Buzz got there...

    And let's not forget the real villain, SID!

    And yes, we all began to have an insane existential crisis about toys after watching the film so many times.

    Wait, why can only some toys talk and not others?!

    Also, where is Andy's dad?


    Just clear your head with some Randy Newman.