23 Painfully Frustrating Situations Impatient People Know Too Well

    What do you mean my flight's delayed?

    1. Hovering over the end of your Netflix timeline, because you can't wait until the end of a juicy episode.

    2. Getting stuck in heavy traffic on a Saturday morning when you need to run ONE errand.

    3. Wanting it to be Christmas and it's June.

    4. Being obviously frustrated that someone is late and your friends tell you to calm down.

    5. Burning yourself because you can't wait for your freshly toasted Pop-Tart to cool off.

    6. Being in a hurry, but there's a sweet slow old lady walking in front of you.

    7. When your mom asks you to write out step-by-step instructions on how to set up her Facebook account.

    8. Trying to call any company and getting hit with an automated system.

    9. Discovering your slow-driver friend volunteered to drive the group to dinner.

    10. Getting to the doctors office on time and end up sitting in the waiting room for what feels like hours.

    11. Trying your best to wait for the microwave to get to zero, but failing miserably.

    12. Sending a really important text or voicemail and not hearing back immediately.

    13. Having to wait on your indecisive friend to order at a restaurant.

    14. Being stuck behind someone that didn't pay for parking before they got back in their car.

    15. Not to mention, the driver that goes TWENTY UNDER the speed limit and stops at yellow lights.

    16. Having to wait in line to go to the bathroom, and the person in front of you is just like:

    17. Having to wait for your computer to update the software.

    18. Looking for cell service so you can get instructions for your drive home.

    19. Realizing you have to wait another year after watching the season-finale cliffhanger.

    20. Overhearing that your flight got delayed.

    21. Discovering your professor actually didn't "get around" to grading your essay over the weekend.

    22. Seeing that someone does have questions at the end of a meeting.

    23. Accepting that there are some things out of your control, and knowing we all have flaws.