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    The New Spider-Man Stole The Show In Captain America: Civil War

    He may be the newest and youngest member of The Avengers, but he has a scene stealing personality.

    Yes, Civil War was exciting and had numerous amounts of the same beautiful people that you expect to see in a Marvel movie (plus some very beautiful new people that I cannot wait to see more of in the coming years). I was very excited to be reunited once again with the people I call friends.

    One person, though, stood out to me and *kind of* stole the show from all of the other gorgeous people, AKA my friends. That person is known as Spider-Man in the Marvel universe. In our universe, he is the equally exciting Tom Holland.

    In the amount of screen time that he was given, Holland executed his lines with an unnerved punch and the perfect amount of teenage blissful ignorance and sarcasm that is so characteristic of the Spider-Man that is known in the comics. Holland certainly proved he could hang with the big guys in this movie and deserves the respect that we give to the OG Avengers.

    In case you haven't heard of this British heartthrob before, or if you have and just can't remember where you've seen his beautiful face, let me give you a rundown of his previous works. A quick trip over to his IMDB page and we find out that he HAS been in things that we have seen. He was recently Thomas Nickerson in the 2015 Moby Dick movie, In the Heart of the Sea, alongside Chris Hemsworth and Cillian Murphy, and directed by Ron Howard. He was also in Locke, the 2013 drama with Tom Hardy, as the voice of Eddie. He also has a few movies that are set to come out later this year. He is quickly making a name for himself, and landing the role of Spider-Man is what he needed to take himself to the next level.

    So let's forget the "Tobey Maguire Ugly Cry -Face" fiasco of 2007, and move on to the greener pastures of Tom Holland. Here's to hoping his cry-face won't turn into a meme.

    After watching Civil War, the bar has been set VERY high for this young man as the role of Spider-Man, and I'm excited to see more of him in Spider-Man: Homecoming, set to release Summer 2017. This is his first stand alone movie as Spider-Man. So sit back and enjoy, because it's his spidey world and we're all watching (patiently) for him to do his spidey thing.