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    13 Reasons Tom Hanks Is The Best

    He's like America's collective favorite uncle (if we all had an Oscar-winning, very funny uncle whose films have grossed over $4.2 billion worldwide).

    Let's get started.

    Tom tells top-notch dad jokes.

    And he tells them often.

    He has a dorky, but endearing, collection of typewriters.

    He posed like this with a fan.

    He's the life of the party.

    And autographed a Toy Story cover like this.

    He gives honest facial hair advice.

    He's supportive.

    Super supportive.

    He loves reality TV.

    According to this Humans of New York post, Tom is super nice.

    He has an absurdly impressive filmography.

    He stopped on a red carpet to take photos of Rita Wilson (his wife, duh).

    Tom Hanks really is the best.