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    Emojis We Wish The iPhone Update Gave Us

    What do we want? More Emojis! When do we want them? Now!

    But if you're like me, then this recent update just isn't enough.

    There are still critical additions to the emoji keyboard that just have to be made.

    So Apple, take notes. Here is a concise list of what better be in iOS 8.4. Seriously.

    1. The Taco

    2. The Middle Finger

    3. Drops Mic

    4. The Unicorn

    5. Actual Hard Alcohol

    6. Starbucks

    7. Basic Girl

    8. In Bed AKA Don't Come In

    9. Twerking

    10. Doge

    11. Selfie

    12. Marijuana Leaf

    13. Drake