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    19 Things Lit Majors Will Reluctantly Admit To

    Head in the clouds, nose in a book. Lit majors get a bad rap but hey, someone’s gotta pretend to like Jane Eyre.


    You find yourself daydreaming; sighing things like, "Yes, Isn't it pretty to think so?" and other obscure quotes from literature all while receiving odd looks from your friends because who would ever catch that Hemingway reference.



    You can connect most any conversation back to a book you are reading or have read. "You had a bad day at work? THAT'S CRAZY! So did Lemuel Gulliver."



    When that same unfortunate soul asks what you're currently reading he/she is then treated to a five minute monologue of how explorative and refreshing Beat poetry is.


    You know how pretentious it sounds when you say, "Oh, I liked the book better than the movie." But I mean, come on, the book WAS better than the movie.



    J.R.R. Tolkien is your celebrity crush.



    You've gone through your favorite authors and characters and have already picked out your children's names. "Is Emerson a weird name for a girl?"



    You realize that nothing is worse than a misunderstood literary quote used for an Instagram caption. "Oh, you took the road less traveled? Really….because I'm pretty sure that Robert Frost did not mean for that poem to apply to you hiking five miles of the Appalachian Trail with your sorority sisters."


    You're obsessed with the etymology behind words and consider yourself partially fluent in Latin because of it. "Did you know 'liber' means 'free' in Latin? Yeah, that's where liberty, liberation, and Liberia comes from." (Although on second thought, you're definitely not fluent.)


    When people talk about a book which you haven't read your heart starts to palpitate. You make a mental note to read it ASAP because how dare they know about a book before you?



    You have little to no respect for girls who think that Nicholas Sparks is good literature, but you still read his books…just to reassure yourself you're right.


    You wish people still spoke in Middle or Old English because it just sounds so cool. "No, I'm serious. Here, listen to me recite the first 18 lines of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales for you."


    You kind of wish college wouldn't end because there are still so many lit classes you didn't take. Hello Masters Degree?
