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We Kindly Interrupt Your Doomscrolling To Ask For Some Honest Feedback About Reading BuzzFeed

Tell us how you really, really feel.

BuzzFeed Quiz Party!

Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results

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Hiiii 👋🏼 Thanks for reading our website and just for, well, being here.

It's readers like you who inspire us to keep creating. We'd love it if you could spare a brief moment to tell us how we can make your experience better. We have some exciting ideas for how to make this space a more fun and engaging place to be and want your input on what we can build next for you!

The following is a standard BuzzFeed poll, but if you've got more to say, I encourage you to really spill over on the user survey form (it's totally anonymous!)

Wanna tell us more? Pour your heart out over at the anonymous survey form!