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BuzzFeed's Simple Guide To Austin

Wear comfy undies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BuzzFeed is crashing Austin this week. In the spirit of getting weird, BuzzFeed's Marketing Team & Austin natives created this simple guide to conquering Austin like a true Austinite.

1. Start looking at events you can RSVP to now.

"The free events with food and beverages are key!"

2. Don't plan on hopping around too much because events will fill up fast.

"Just commit."

3. Explore the fantastic and historic streets of East 6th.

"It has awesome old-school vibes. And if East 6th Street gets crazy, there's always the highly underrated West 6th St."

4. Wear comfy clothes.

"Because you might be stuck in them for 12-14 hours straight. Also, underwear choice is crucial."

5. Carry around plenty of water and snacks.

"Live a little, longer. Stay hydrated, friends."

6. Take a stroll down Rainey Street (before it's torn down).

While you're at it, stop by BuzzFeed #BFFClubhouse Launch Party!

+ a shortlist of other destinations you need to hit while you're in Austin: