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10 Pieces Of Advice Dr. BuzzFeed Had At NewFronts

I've got a case of the Mondays and the only prescription is more BuzzFeed.

1. "Be sure to ask your physician if there are any new treatments."

On Monday, April 27th, 2015, BuzzFeed NewFronts was presented at BB King's in New York City. The topics of discussion included the launch of two NEW products, POUND (Process for Optimizing and Understanding Network Diffusion) & Video Dashboard for Brands.

2. "Make sure you have a balanced diet and stay regularly hydrated."

3. "Update parts of your lifestyle to make them more effective."

4. "Push yourself to edges of your exercise regiment."

5. "Make sure your POUNDs are ideal for a healthy body mass index"

BuzzFeed announced the launch of its NEW product, POUND (Process for Optimizing and Understanding Network Diffusion).

POUND is a new, proprietary technology that captures how BuzzFeed stories spread on the social web. It follows propagations from one sharer to another, through all the downstream visits, even across social networks and one-to-one sharing platforms like Gchat and email. Pound does not collect any personally identifiable information โ€” every node here is anonymous.

"Pound makes word of mouth marketing measurable" BuzzFeed Publisher @daozers #buzzfeednewfronts

6. "Get INSIGHTS on your blood pressure often"

.@BuzzFeed announces the Video Dashboard for Brands: a tool that will aggregate campaign data into one place #NewFronts #BuzzFeedNewFronts

7. "Find relaxation by watching some videos."

@BuzzFeed looks to build on short content - and longer form - with help of producer Michael Shamberg. #buzzfeednewfronts

8. "Make sure you have enough vitamin C. We'd suggest ORANGES."

Facebook: video.php

The trailer for BuzzFeed Motion Picture's first documentary, Brother Orange, was shown.

9. "Understand that the impact on your joints depends on its connections."

Our branded video strategy: think about theme, about format, and - finally - about platform. #BuzzFeedNewFronts

10. "Take a 'miracle fruit,' eat some lemons, and call us in the morning."

Learning what's new in video, snackable content and #flavortripping at #BuzzFeedNewFronts ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ’Š ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜‹

Closing the event out, everyone in attendance experimented with "miracle berries" and flavor tripped off of lemons, Guinness, and chips.

We'll see you next year at BuzzFeed NewFronts 2016! Doctor's orders!