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    The Names Of These 12 Actual Places In France Will Make You Giggle

    BRB roadtripping to Orgy, France.

    1. This probably well-protected town on the river Baïse....

    2. This attention-grabbing village near the eastern border...

    3. This catty ass destination...

    4. This somewhat morbid ancient Roman city...

    5. This NSFW northeastern locale...

    6. This rather ~communal~ spot...

    7. This saucy southwestern stop...

    8. This well-endowed city in Brittany...

    9. This silly site in Normandy...

    10. This kinda upsetting place up north...

    11. This perfect ode to cheese's BFF...

    12. And of course, this probably v. kind city...

    This post was translated from French.