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    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    49 TikTok Finds So Good, They Deserve MVP (Most Valuable Product) Awards

    Step aside, Tom Brady: There's a mess-free batter dispenser vying for your spot 👀

    1. A super popular ChomChom pet hair remover to roll over furniture, bedding, clothes, or anywhere you'd like your beloved cat's out-of-control shedding to stop accumulating. Best of all? It's totally reusable and doesn't require any annoying sticky film, making it eco-friendly and cost-effective!

    Reviewer photo of a black pillow covered in white dog hair and you can clearly see which side they brushed with the fur remover because all the dog hair is gone in that section
    reviewer photo of the pet hair remover filled with hair

    See how much hair it picks up from a white couch on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "This thing is magical and I wish I had found it sooner. Even the most stubborn of dog hairs that have been seemingly woven into the fabric of your couch are no match for the ChomChom. The satisfying click of the roller will have you ChomChom-ing every surface you possibly can, while your dog looks at you in cold betrayal for removing his precious fur deposits. He plots revenge against this new nemesis, revenge that is doomed to fail from the start, because the ChomChom is far too powerful. Meanwhile, you are transfixed by the serotonin rush filling your brain as your ChomChom fills with more and more hair, leaving a path of de-furred sofa in its wake. The dog barks in disapproval. You smile, finally sitting on fur-free furniture for the first time in a long time. Maybe you’ll even have friends over now." —Will

    Get it from Amazon for $28.95.

    2. A microplane foot file with serious smoothing power you'll want if your dry, cracked feet are in need of some TLC and moisturizers alone aren't doing the job. You'll be shocked by how much grated cheese — whoops, skin — it removes, even after the first use. I mean, the photos say it all.

    A customer review before-and-after photo of their cracked heel and then soft and smooth heel
    A customer review photo of the foot file filled with dead skin after being used

    See how much dead skin one TikToker was able to remove from their husband's feet here (maybe don't eat while watching). 

    Promising review: "I have purchased every callous cream on the market and it has been a waste of time and money. This simple device is a miracle worker. The callous on my big toe is very, very hard and the nearby callous along the side of the foot, while not as large and hard, is also difficult. I have used this device three days in a row, taking off a little at a time and not applying pressure. I apply lotion before and after using it and both areas show substantial improvement. It is important that you do not rush this process. Just a little at a time. Remember how long it took for that callous to form! Because I have been gentle and careful I have no pain. Cleaning is simple. I wholeheartedly recommend!" —desertdragonfly

    Get it from Amazon for $8.95.

    3. And a Korean microdermabrasion mitt that'll buff away all of your dry, dead skin without the need for pricey spa treatments. The exfoliation comes from a skin-smoothing viscose fiber lining, and once it's cleared away all the flaky stuff, your skin will have an easier time absorbing lotions and creams. If you love a gross-yet-satisfying moment, this is for you.

    reviewer's leg next to the black mitt, both of which are covered in dead skin that was rubbed off by the mitt
    reviewer's hand in the black mitt, which is covered in dead skin

    Watch one TikToker use it to remove their self-tanner build-up here!

    Promising review: "I love these mitts so much. I wish I found them sooner! For me, brushes and loofas don’t give me enough exfoliation, and they fall apart and get gross too fast. These mitts are perfect. Also, they are way more cost effective and easier to use than a sugar scrub type product. I feel like these mitts will last a long time, and they’re easy to clean and have a loop so you can hang them to dry in your shower. I keep one at my place and one at my boyfriend's. They are a little rough, so it’s not something you want to use more than twice per week, and use gentle motions in sensitive areas. My skin is so smooth after I use these, and it’s helped me get rid of ingrown hairs on my bikini line. Just make sure to moisturize after using!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (also available as a pair). 

    4. Bissell's Little Green cleaner, which is essentially like having your own personal stain-lifting professional in your house 24/7. This small yet mighty machine effortlessly removes seemingly impossible stains from carpets and upholstery with its strong spray and suction functions, and its large tank means less refilling while cleaning. 

    reviewer before photo showing a stained dining room chair seat
    same reviewer's after photo showing the beige seat looking good as new after being cleaned with the little green

    Check out the amount of nastiness it was able to extract out of one TikToker's couch here

    The Little Green comes with a tough stain tool, HydroRinse self-cleaning hose tool, and a trial-size Spot & Stain with Febreze Freshness formula.

    Promising review: "This vacuum is amazing. I first heard of it on TikTok where people were using it to clean their stairs, mattresses, car seats, etc. and from the videos, it already looked amazing, but considering how dirty my dining chair cushions were, I was a little bit apprehensive and skeptical. I purchased the item and used it on my chairs for the first time and the results were SO AMAZING. I posted photos for reference of how dirty my cushions were before the cleaning and after the cleaning! Best vacuum I've ever used. I even bought a second one!" —Davina

    Get it from Amazon for $109.59 (also available in a model designed for pets). 

    5. A jar of Museum Gel to keep your fragile possessions from toppling over like Dominoes when there's unexpected movement. If you have little kids or pets and like nice things, this is a must!

    gif of someone taking a piece of museum gel, rolling it into a ball, and sticking it on the bottom of a wine glass
    reviewer photo of a blue and pink glass sculpture on display on a floating shelf

    See why one TikTok reviewer with small children loves it here

    Each jar is good for up to 300 uses. To use, just grab a bit of gel, roll it into a ball, and stick it to the bottom of any item you'd like to protect. It's removable, reusable, and won't ruin your furniture. Plus, some reviewers say it's great for keeping things like cabinet and drawer liners from sliding around.

    Promising review: "This is AMAZING! I recently got a kitten and of course he loves to tap on things with his paws until he knocks it down. My friend uses this product and told me I had to get it. So worth it!! Once you apply the jelly and let it sit for a little while those objects will not move! And the best part is that it does not damage the surface that it was placed on. 10/10 would recommend!!!" —Darryl Hoard

    Get it from Amazon for $13.69.

    6. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner that'll rid your kitchen of those gross, lingering smells coming from your sink — you know, the ones that always make you think, Wow, should I be cleaning my garbage disposal? The answer is a resounding YES!, since this stuff will replace those yucky odors with a bright, lemony scent. Plus, watching it bubble up is pretty fun!

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Watch one TikToker use it here

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $5.12 (also available as a pack of 24). 

    7. Essence's Lash Princess mascara for instantly lengthier, more voluminous lashes without the need for pesky falsies and glue. And lots of reviewers say it lasts throughout the day and never clumps, so it'll probably be the best five bucks you'll ever spend.

    BuzzFeed editor without mascara
    BuzzFeed editor with mascara heightening and darkening lashes
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Watch a TikTok reviewer apply the mascara here!

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Emma Lord says: "Hello, that is my face above, because I bought into the hype of over 100,000 positive reviews and now I will never look back!! It doesn't get clumpy, it stays put ALL the live long day, and you can apply it on very lightly if you don't want it to look so dramatic, or continue applying for longer lashes each time."

    Promising review: "Great coverage on the first swipe! I have been searching for a good mascara for months and have had no luck. I saw this was on sale and had good reviews so figured I’d give it a try. I was really really surprised most mascaras are goopy the first time you try time and end up getting all over I didn’t have an issue with this one which was a pleasant surprise, the brush is fiber and not silicon another pulse for me, first swipe I was shocked, it covered well and made my lashes look thicker and longer, I waited a few seconds and applied one more coat and that was it! No need to keep going back over them, I haven’t tried to remove it yet but I’m very happy with it and I think my search for the perfect mascara might be over!" —Amber Borah

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99 (also available in a pack of three). 

    8. A very popular and affordable pair of wireless Bluetooth earbuds reviewers say are legit AirPods dupes (they have 200,000+ 5-star ratings!). Not only will they provide literal hours of cord-free listening time, they're also waterproof! Go toss those barely audible ones you've been using; your ears deserve better. 

    reviewer holding the rose gold earbuds in their charging case
    reviewer wearing the rose gold earbud in their ear

    See why one TikToker is a fan here!

    A single charge provides over six hours of usage, and the rechargeable case can have them fully juiced up in under two hours. 

    Promising review: "Best decision! These are the greatest headphones ever! I saw them on TikTok months ago and added them to my wishlist. I got a new phone that doesn't have the headphone port so I decided it was time to finally buy them. They are amazing and I probably won't ever take them out of my ears! 😂" —Katlyn D Arnold

    Get it from Amazon $24.99+ (available in five colors) — don't forget to apply the coupon to save up to 20%!

    9. A tub of *iconic* cleaning paste The Pink Stuff, because once you realize how much stain-lifting power this unassuming stuff has, you'll wonder how you ever got anything clean without it. Not only does it get stains out, it does so quickly and with minimal effort on your part.

    a stained sheet tray with text: hopeless
    the same sheet tray with one corner looking much cleaner after being scrubbed with the pink stuff, with text: ...or not!
    britt holding a tub of the pink stuff
    Britt Ross / BuzzFeed

    Check out yours truly using it three ways on TikTok!

    After seeing countless videos on cleaning TikTok that raved about The Pink Stuff, I knew I had to try it out on my stained, grime-coated sheet tray. I mean, if it could make a dent in that, I'd probably believe in magic. Well, I started scrubbing one corner as a test, and lo and behold, the difference was nothing short of DRAMATIC (check out the photos/TikTok for proof!). And I didn't even have to scrub very hard, though as someone with ~minimal~ upper body strength, I doubt any force I could physically apply would even constitute as heavy scrubbing. At any rate, it worked so well that I tried it on a pair of dirty tennis shoes and a blue stain that had been singed onto my toaster oven for months, and, yup, it worked. I will say, if you want your sheet trays to look brand spankin' new, you might need one of those cleaning scraper tools to get every last bit off, but as far as general stain removal goes, consider me a FAN. 

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97 (also available in packs of two or three). 

    10. E.l.f.'s Poreless Putty Primer, which has over 25,000 5-star ratings — probably because it's more than just a smooth makeup base. It contains squalane, which mimics oil naturally found in our bodies to keep thirsty skin hydrated, so your face will feel as good as it looks. Oh, and reviewers say your makeup will. not. budge with this stuff. 

    reviewer with their makeup done
    reviewer holding the tin of beige colored primer

    Check it out in action on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and thought I'd take a chance. I have sensitive skin and have to watch what I use. I LOVE this product! Goes on smooth and you don't need to use a lot. I put it on before I put on my foundation. Makes a huge difference. Highly recommend and will buy again!!" —Leslie Mattingly

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (also available in three other primer types). 

    11. A 100% waterproof, satin-lined Hairbrella for keeping your perfectly coiffed 'do looking the same as it did when you left the house — you're not gonna let a little rain ruin your day! The silky-smooth lining means no hat hair, and it conveniently folds into a pouch for stashing in your bag.

    reviewer wearing the black Hairbrella in the rain
    Model pouring water on another model's head while wearing the hairbrella, then taking it off to show hair perfectly styled and dried

    Watch one TikToker put it to the test here!

    Hairbrella is a Black-owned small business established in 2016 that specializes in hats that both look cool and protect hair from the elements.

    Promising review: "Awesome hat, a must-have for hairdos. I get my hair done often and don’t want to destroy a great hairdo. I have been out in a rainstorm and taken it on the log ride into the splash down, hair stayed nice and dry. Love it so much I fold it up and keep it in my purse! It even has a ponytail pouch hidden in it." —applekoolaid

    Another promising review: "This hat arrived just in time for my trip to Niagara Falls. I have braids and this hat protected my hair completely. The visor provided excellent protection on The Maid Of The Mist as well as the walk behind the falls. This is a must have." —sandra l darrett

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in two sizes and eight colors).

    12. drawer organizer, because there's only one junk drawer allowed in every home, and the utensil drawer isn't it. With this, your cutlery will finally have a designated place, and the "bleacher-style" design takes up way less space than your standard utensil divider. 

    See why one TikToker calls it "life changing" here!

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Chelsea Stuart has used this product to make her kitchen feel more organized: "Just got this and it has freed up SO much space in our cutlery drawer that we can now store teas, small Tupperware, etc. vs. before it was just a mess of utensils."

    Promising review: "I had never seen this before I bought it, and holy crap it changed my life. So. Much. Room. There is so much room left in my drawer now that I moved stuff from another drawer and I have an entirely empty drawer in my kitchen now. Now only HALF the drawer is silverware and the other half is spatulas and cooking utensils. It is great. It also seems very sturdy. Highly recommend." —van31050

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    13. A cult-favorite TubShroom (80,000+ 5-star ratings!) that proactively catches any hair that makes its way into your drain so the water doesn't take friggin' FOR-EV-ER going down. Plus, it'll save you money on plumber visits!

    reviewer photo of a gray tubshroom in a drain
    same reviewer pulling the gray tubshroom filled with hair out of the drain

    Hear what one TikTok reviewer thinks of it here!

    Promising review: "I hardly ever write reviews, but this thing is so amazing I had to share. With every shower I take, I shed a TON of hair and (as you can see from the picture) stick it to the wall so that no hair goes down my drain. I thought this method was working out well but my drain was continuing to stop up. I figured it must be my sister's fault since I was so good about not letting any hairs go down the drain, but I went ahead ordered the TubShroom after seeing advertisements on Facebook. I got this thing and after only two showers, it collected a crap ton of my hair that I didn't catch. It really is so easy to install and wipe away the hair, exactly like the videos. Awesome invention, and I'm super happy with this purchase!" —Megan K.

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95+ (available in five colors and a set of two). 

    14. A rapid egg cooker for anyone who nervously paces back and forth as their eggs are boiling, wondering, "Are they done?" With this, your hard and soft-boiled eggs will be perfect every time (bye, weird gray yolk rings!), and the eggs-tra accessories (sorry) are great for poaching, scrambling, and making omelets!

    reviewer photo of sliced, perfectly hard-boiled eggs
    reviewer photo of ramen with a soft-boiled egg in a pink bowl
    reviewer photo of the teal egg cooker on a kitchen counter

    Watch one TikToker get perfectly yellow yolks using this thing here!

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Emma Lord says: "I've owned one of these babies and have faithfully used it every week for upward of two years, and especially love it while working from home — it simplifies breakfast because I know no matter what assortment of groceries I'm working with, there are precooked eggs to add some protein to it (I like mine medium-boiled 🍳). If my dinner is boring or seems like it needs a little extra "oomph" to it, I'll throw in an egg from this too. Some reviews note that the alarm on it is a little loud, but the new models have significantly decreased the volume and sing a little song instead!"

    Promising review: "I saw someone on TikTok with this and gasped! Ordered it right away. I had no idea these things existed. Super easy and convenient and the hard-boiled eggs came out perfectly. I’m testing a batch now without punching a hole in the eggs to see how they come out. Because why not make an easy process even easier?!?! LOL." —Gina

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in eight colors, as well as several bundle options).

    15. A box of Mighty Patch blemish patches containing hydrocolloid to spot-treat those pesky skin eruptions that always seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times. Never fear — Mighty Patch to the rescue! Leave 'em on overnight, and in the morning you'll be rewarded with a patch full of gross-yet-satisfying white residue (aka pimple gunk).

    Reviewer before and after photo using patches
    reviewer photo of the red and white box of pimple patches

    Check these out on TikTok here!

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Ciera Velarde says: "I've used this specific brand for years now and have found them to be the best at reducing the size and redness of breakouts! Whenever I notice a zit popping up, I put one of these one right before bed, and it stays put all night, even when I toss and turn a lot. By morning, it's much less noticeable and is practically nonexistent when I cover the zit with makeup. It's such a great practically zero-effort way to treat blemishes!"

    Promising review: "I heard all about these on TikTok, so I decided to order. I switched my birth control and was having a ton of breakouts, these are amazing! They helped me stop picking at my face and my skin is so clear now. Will always have these in my house from now on!" —Kiara Galloway 

    Get a pack of 36 from Amazon for $12.99.

    16. A handy little cleaning ball you just toss into your dust/crumb/lint-filled bag so it can collect all the debris hiding at the bottom. Roll it around, and the sticky surface will pick up any loose particles — and best of all, you can rinse it off and use it again! If you've ever grabbed a piece of gum covered in sand (?!) out of your bag, this has your name written all over it. 

    the pink cleaning ball inside of a handbag
    model placing the pink cleaning ball into a black backpack

    See how well it works at cleaning the bottom of a bag on TikTok here

    Promising review: "I found out about this little gadget from a TikTok video, and I thought I'd give it a try. I usually keep some sort of snack in my purse, and as much as I try to keep the containers sealed and to keep my bags clean, I inevitably end up with those annoying little micro-crumbs at the bottom. As soon as I ordered this ball, I put it straight into my purse, and within a day or two, it was already time to wash it! It picks up a lot for being so small! Pro tip: To open it, squeeze the thick ring around the middle and it should pop apart pretty easily. Rinse off the sticky ball part with just water, then put it back together and let it air dry for a couple of hours. Good as new! I highly recommend this product. Whether you have kids or not, bags just get lint and teeny tiny little crumbs over time. Buy it!!" —Sarah Couv

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99 (available in three colors, as well as a set of three). 

    17. smudge-proof eyeliner stamp, because achieving the perfect cat-eye shouldn't be a major source of stress in the morning when you have approximately 385,638 other things to do before running out the door. Line your eyes using the fine end, and then *boop!* stamp the outer corners to complete the look sans shaky hands. No jagged wings to see here!

    gif of reviewer using the stamp to create a perfect wing
    close-up of a reviewer with perfect winged liner
    close-up of reviewer holding the eyeliner stamp, showing the wing-shaped tip

    Watch one TikToker test it out here! Oh, and it comes with two stamp pens — one for each eye!

    Promising review: "Best eyeliner ever! This item was a 'TikTok made me buy it' LOL but overall, I am truly happy with this purchase. Thank you! Your product is truly amazing!" —Samantha Lopez

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $14.98 (available in three styles as well as a combo set).

    18. A downright magical veggie chopper that'll surely become your new BFF once you realize that by owning it, you'll finally be relieved of your least favorite kitchen task forever. It'll cut down food prep time by a ton, and if you're an onion crier like me, well, no more standing over a cutting board with stinging eyes. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Watch one TikToker effortlessly chop a bunch of vegetables with it here 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper that was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in two styles).

    19. A plant-based stainless steel cleaner for anyone who loved the look of their shiny appliances the first week they got them, then quickly realized they're actually a breeding ground for fingerprints. It's made with aromatic lavender essential oil, which polishes and shines without streaking and creates a protective barrier for preventing future smudges.

    Check it out in action on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "The stainless-steel appliances in our rental were so stained and smudged. Regular cleaners didn't work. I saw this product recommended on TikTok and immediately looked it up on Amazon. The reviews were good and price was right, but what won me over was the plant-based ingredient list and lavender scent. I used the product the day it arrived in the mail. Worked like a charm! Easy-to-use spray, microfiber cloth included. So now my stainless-steel appliances look shiny and my kitchen smells amazing! Highly recommend." —diana

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (also available in packs of two or six). 

    20. A very "why didn't I think of that" set of double shower curtain hooks, because you know what isn't fun? Undoing each ring whenever you wanna switch out your liner. With this, the curtain and liner each have their own sides so you can easily pop 'em off. 

    The hooks attached to a shower with two hooks on each side of them, one holding the liner and one holding the curtain

    See why one TikToker calls it the best thing they ever bought for their house here!

    Promising review: "I hate changing out the liner on my shower because it meant I had to remove the curtain, too. Not any more! I saw this set of hooks in a TikTok review. Now I can swap out the liner with ease. The hooks also slide on the curtain rod very easily, no tugging." —Christina

    Get a set of 12 from Amazon for $7.49+ (available in seven colors). 

    21. A nonstick microwave pasta cooker for nights when you're craving spaghetti, but the thought of waiting around for boiling water seems like cruel and unusual punishment after a long day. Pop it in for 12–13 minutes, and ta-da!

    A reviewer photo of uncooked pasta and water in the clear, plastic microwave pasta cooker
    A photo from the same reviewer of cooked pasta and water in the clear, plastic microwave pasta cooker

    See how one TikToker uses it here

    It also doubles as a strainer, and you can use the holes in the lid to portion out long pastas.

    Promising review: "I love pasta, but I hate *making* pasta. Too many pots, pans, strainer, cleanup, etc. Forget it. And after a long day at work when I am craving pasta, all I want to do is eat right away. This pasta cooker cooked pasta better than I have ever cooked pasta in my life. I am Italian, so as you can imagine I have eaten (and made myself) a LOT of pasta. This product is a game changer. It was extremely easy to use, cooked quickly, and it came out PERFECTLY. Not over cooked, a little al dente, but not firm. Perfection. Now I have no excuse not to cook pasta for myself (and my husband) practically every day. BUY THIS. It will change your life." —Hope Lanza

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    22. A very helpful bottle emptying cap that'll prop up (or should I say, *down*) those almost empty bottles of shampoo and conditioner in your shower, meaning none of that sudsy goodness goes to waste. No more cutting up your plastic containers just to reach the stuff at the bottom — plus, it'll help you effortlessly transfer the contents of one bottle to another!

    reviewer photo of the gray bottle emptying can propping up an upside down body lotion bottle
    reviewer photo of the bottle emptying kit being used to transfer the contents of one bottle to another

    See one TikToker's positive review here

    Each kit includes four adapters in different sizes to fit pretty much any bottle. 

    Promising review: "Well worth it! Think of all the product in bottles you waste every year by not using something like this. It certainly covers the cost of this item! I love it!" —Rock360

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $16 (also available as a pack of six). 

    23. A set of Unpaper Towels, because not only are they more eco-friendly than the single-use rolls (these can go in the wash and be reused!), but they'll also save you tons of money. Reviewers say they're just as absorbent as the paper ones, and they'll look cute on your counter! 

    model in a colorful sweater holding a whale-print reusable cleaning towel that's on a wooden roll
    Marley's Monsters / Etsy

    See why one TikTok reviewer loves 'em here

    Marley's Monsters is a family-owned small biz based in Eugene, Oregon, making eco-friendly home goods, from reusable plastic wrap alternatives to garbage pail liners!

    Promising review: "Really glad I invested in these! They do a great job cleaning up, and it’s really easy to roll them back up on the holder. I wanted just basic, traditional white, but was really nervous doing so — however, the marks and stains remove fairly easily. If you’re on the fence about making the switch to reusable paper towels, just go for it and get these!" —Kayla Simons

    Get a 24-pack from Marley's Monsters on Amazon for $64.99 (available in 18 styles) or a 24-pack with a wooden holder on Etsy for $96 (available in mixed solids, mixed prints, or white). 

    24. A brilliantly engineered O-Cedar mop and bucket set even professional house cleaners swear by for spotless floors. Its hands-free wringing system essentially does all the hard work for you, and while it might not magically make you love cleaning, it'll probably get you to, you know, ACTUALLY clean for once.

    Reviewer GIF demonstrating how to ring out the mop
    a reviewer's sparkling clean wood floor

    Watch one fan on TikTok use it here!

    Reviewers say the wringing system is a total game changer — all you have to do is press the pedal down with your foot, and it'll spin away excess water (like in the GIF above). Another plus is the mop head, which has a unique triangular shape for getting into hard-to-reach corners and can be cleaned in the washing machine!

    Promising review: "OK, I am like, obsessed with this mop. It is just extremely well designed in almost every way. The handle is extendable but collapses pretty small, the mop head is removable and can be put in the wash, the mop head is triangle shaped so it fits in corners, the spin pump is easy to use and gets water out super efficiently. The only small thing is that the mop bucket doesn't have wheels. But it's so forgivable given everything else." —Rex

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97 (also available as a set with extra mop heads).

    25. A handheld milk frother you should have in your cart if enjoying PSLs and other foamy beverages at home sounds like...just the greatest thing ever. No, you don't need a fancy espresso machine or sky-high Starbucks budget. 

    Reviewer using the frother to frother milk in a cup
    reviewer photo of a foamy drink next to the milk frother

    Watch one TikToker make a homemade PSL using the frother here

    Promising review: "Best frother that I've ever used...very comfortable to use and powerful, too. Got this to replace another branded one that zonked out on me after only a couple of months. Love love this frother. I use it to 'blend' my morning coffee with coconut oil. This frother is more powerful than my last. The stand is a nice little bonus to keep the frother off the table and from rolling off the counter. The handle is very comfortable to hold. The back (if the label is facing you), has an index finger rest. I highly recommend this frother." —N Duong

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in 43 styles).

    26. CeraVe's Hydrating cleanser, which was formulated with dry skin in mind! It gently removes residue without stripping the skin of its natural moisture so it stays clean *and* hydrated, and contains three ceramides and hyaluronic acid to help restore and maintain the skin barrier. You: 1, Dryness: 0.

    reviewer before and after photos, showing their skin with acne on the right and their skin looking much clearer after using the cleanser on the left
    reviewer holding the white and green cleanser bottle

    Watch one TikToker test it out here!

    Promising review: "Got this after seeing a recommendation on TikTok. It's been a lifesaver for me. I have dry, red, sensitive, acne-prone skin. Most cleansers strip my skin, but not this one. It’s been helping keep my skin clear while not drying it for a few months now. If you have dry skin, this is a must!" —L Ashburne

    Get it from Amazon for $14.57+ (available in two sizes).

    27. A handheld mattress vacuum, because spoiler alert: You might not be aware of just how much dust you've been sleeping on (ew, I know). This bb comes with HEPA filtration and sucks up over 99.99% of small particles — plus, it has a UV light for eliminating icky bacteria. Breathe easy and sweet dreams!

    a review photo of all the dust collected with the mattress vacuum
    gif of a reviewer using the mattress vacuum

    See how much grossness it sucks up from a TikToker's bed here!

    Promising review: "So I bought this originally for my son, who has really bad allergies to dust. At first, we didn't know what was causing this until someone told me to check our beds and furniture. Even though we change our bed sheets regularly, there will be dust left over. So I decided to give this a try and they were right! I couldn't believe how many mites and how much dust there was. I took my time cleaning everyone's bed and our sofa; it was easy to use and light. My son hasn't had a reaction in a while. This product works for my family!" —Lisa

    Get it from Amazon for $109.99+ (available in white or silver). 

    28. An Oxo 3-in-1 avocado tool, which safely splits, pits, and slices avocados so you can prepare Insta-worthy avo toasts right in your own kitchen. Avocado slicing injuries are VERY common, so this handy gizmo could also save you a trip to the ER!

    Reviewer using the tool to pit the avocado. The avocado is stuck to the tool with a hole for a finger to easily pop it out.
    Reviewer using the tool to evenly slice avocado after pitting

    Watch as one TikToker demonstrates how to use it here

    Promising review: "I love avocados, but I hardly ever buy them because they're so inconvenient to deal with. This tool ABSOLUTELY changes that. I knew I was getting something that would make it a little easier to pit and slice my avocado, but I had no idea HOW MUCH EASIER it would be. This thing is amazing!" —Edianter

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95 (also available as a bundle with a masher). 

    29. A useful gadget called the Bug Bite Thing, because if you're anything like me, mosquitoes just looove making a meal out of you. This ingenious device sucks out the saliva or venom that causes itching and irritation in bites, and since it doesn't rely on creams or chemicals, it's completely reusable. 

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    See one TikTok reviewer demonstrate how it's used here

    This works on mosquitoes, bees, wasps, biting flies, sea lice (sea lice?!), and more!

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok, and I have been having issues with mosquito bites. Used it a few time to relieve itchiness, and I am convinced it works! I have been recommending it to my family and friends.  Read the directions and follow them carefully. Don't use this on your face or neck, or other sensitive areas. Don't do a lot of suction, just a little bit. And do it a few times if needed. Great invention!" —Joe

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in four colors).

    30. An over-the-sink dish drying rack in case your counter space leaves something to be desired (gotta love those teeny city apartments!). You'll be so glad you bought it when you're cleaning up after dinner and realize, Hey, I actually have a place for this stuff and it's not the kitchen table! It would also make an ideal cooling rack and conveniently rolls up when not in use to save even more space. 

    Check it out on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok and I’m so glad I did! I hate having things on my counters that don’t belong. I have a dishwasher but I have some things (like most everyone) that aren’t dishwasher safe. I love that I can just roll this out and dry my dishes over the sink. The fact that air is able to get to all sides allows dishes like cups and bowls to actually get dry. Prior to this I was using a drying mat next to my sink, but I was always having to towel dry items that had been sitting out “drying” for hours. Even my husband is impressed. He has told me multiple times it was such a good buy!" —Sheri

    Get it from Amazon for $11.89+ (available in eight sizes).

    31. A popular facial applicator brush that'll spread your face masks and other skincare products on in a nice thin layer — while keeping your hands from getting messy! Plus, your jars of product will stay nice and sanitary without your grubby little fingers constantly dipping into them. 😉

    See it in action on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "I absolutely love these. I saw them on TikTok and ordered them right away. I've been using them for months now and they make applying masks so much easier. I get a much more even application than I did with my hands or with other brushes. Extremely easy to use, clean, and store. Love love love!" —Caterina

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $4.85.

    32. An Angry Mama microwave cleaner for anyone who wants those gross, caked-on food remnants gone, minus any hard scrubbing. Just fill with vinegar and water, heat in the microwave for five to seven minutes, and marvel at how effortlessly the stains from last month's tomato soup explosion wipe right off.

    reviewer's before photo of the green angry mama in a dirty microwave
    same reviewer's after photo of the angry mama in a clean microwave

    See how easy it makes wiping down one TikToker's microwave here

    Promising review: "I'm embarrassed to say I hadn't cleaned my microwave in about six months. It's an awful task. I ran Angry Mama one time, wiped down easily, then ran it one more time to get it really clean. Highly recommend using it more often than once every six months for a super fast, super clean microwave!" —Kelsey

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in four colors).

    33. A shampoo scalp massager you're gonna be angry you didn't invent yourself (but will absolutely LOVE using during all future showers). Not only does it help evenly distribute shampoo (no more residue pockets!), it'll give you alllll of those pleasurable scalp tingles.

    reviewer holding the handle of the green scalp massager between their fingers
    same reviewer showing the spiky side of the green scalp massager

    Check it out in action on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "I saw this little thing all over TikTok and everyone swore by it. To be honest, they’re right, and I now swear by it. It’s perfectly soft and sturdy to massage the scalp. Works shampoo into roots, helps with dry skin and such. I absolutely love it, and I use it every time I wash my hair. I most definitely would recommend to anyone. Don’t hesitate." —Z

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    34. A batter dispenser that'll take the mess out of preparing your weekend brunch so you can actually, you know, enjoy it without cringing at the thought of how long cleanup will take. It's got a helpful measurement guide on it so you can mix up your batter right in the container, and when it's skillet time, just pull the lever for perfectly portioned pancakes — no batter splatters or dribble-drabbles in sight. 

    reviewer using the batter dispenser to pour a perfect circle of pancake batter onto a griddle
    same reviewer's perfectly round pancakes cooking on a griddle, some plain, some with chocolate chips

    Check it out on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "I got this yesterday, and my son asked me this morning if I would make him pancakes! I was happy to oblige, so I could try my new kitchen gadget, and it did not disappoint! I LOVE it! I made the batter right in the container, and it has measurements on it, so I didn't even have to get out my measuring cups. The batter came out perfectly and easily, and when I stopped the flow, it immediate stopped! There was not one dribble of batter anywhere, and the pancakes turned out perfectly! I cannot wait to make cupcakes with this! That was the main reason I bought it, because I always dribble cake batter everywhere when I try to make cupcakes, and it's a mess. I love cupcakes, but not the mess. Now I will be able to easily make them! I will most likely buy this as gifts for my family and friends as well. My advice, get it!" —Nikki

    Get it from Amazon for $17.62.

    35. Tower 28's SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray, which anyone who experiences redness and irritation will probably wanna start including in their skincare regimen. It's a pH-balancing hypochlorous acid toner, meaning it'll soothe sensitive skin, and reviewers say the light mist made them feel refreshed, not greasy (the worst!). 

    before and afters showing a model with acne scarring, and then a photo of their skin looking much more clear
    model holding the red travel and regular sized spray bottles next to their face

    See why one TikToker is a fan here — plus, it's a favorite of Hailey Bieber!

    Tower 28 is a small biz whose founder, Amy Liu, has struggled with eczema for years. The brand specializes in products for sensitive skin, and everything is also vegan and cruelty-free.

    Promising review: "This product is a lifesaver. I haven't had any major breakouts since using this facial spray. Whenever I feel my skin getting irritated, I just spray this on to help heal/soothe it. This product lessened the redness on my face and helped improve the overall texture/appearance of my skin. Also started using this on my mom two days ago and we've noticed a lot of the red texture on her skin fading out. Love this and will continue repurchasing!!" —MargaritaYanga

    Another promising review: "I struggle with acne and needed something to help calm and soothe my skin when it was really irritated. My skin tends to be dry right after cleaning and spraying this leaves my skin feeling so comfortable and like I haven’t done anything to it. Back to normal happy skin feel. It is part of my daily routine now. Absolutely love this!" —CliftonM2121

    Get it from Sephora for $12+ (available in two sizes). 

    36. dishwasher magnet you can toggle to say whether the contents inside are clean or dirty — a seemingly small gesture with potentially major peace-keeping results. If you've ever experienced the horror of your SO putting dirty dishes into a dishwasher filled with clean ones, you need this in your cart, stat.

    The magnet is shown going from clean to dirty
    A customer using the magnet
    Sally Elshorafa / BuzzFeed,

    See what one TikToker has to say about it here

    Promising review: "What took them so long?? Every household should have one of these. Does your partner point to the dishwasher and ask you, "Hey, are these good?" Mine did, almost daily. Not anymore, though! A breeze to install (our dishwasher is magnetic, but I'm really glad it came with adhesive pads — someday when we move, if we need them we have them!), and even though I bought it (mostly) as a joke, I use the heck out of it. Slides easily when it needs to." —Andrea Braun

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in four styles).

    37. A highly rated portable car vacuum, because those fast-food crumbs aren't gonna clean themselves! It's compact enough for storing in your car at all times *just in case* and reviewers say its 16-foot cord is great for reaching the backs of larger vehicles. 

    The writer is holding the vacuum
    The vacuum sucking dirt and rocks from the writer's driver's seat floor in a car
    Stephanie Hope / BuzzFeed

    See why one TikToker calls it a "car must-have" here!

    It comes with three attachments: flathead, extendable, and brush nozzle, along with a carry bag, filter brush, and spare HEPA filter.

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Stephanie Hope has to say about it: "When I tell you that I use this product often, I mean it. It's so easy to plug in, vacuum dirt from the floor or seat, and put it away. It comes with three different attachments and an extra filter! My tip is to use the brush attachment for everything as it will kick dirt off the carpet fibers, making it easier to suction."

    Promising review: "Decided to buy this vacuum cleaner because we have a baby and we need to keep our surroundings clean. We were pleasantly surprised with the quick delivery, packaging, and the bag that it came with, making it very convenient to carry around and keep at one place. The vacuum itself is powerful, easily cleaned out the sand from the car seats, as well as the other dirt from the floor mat. The chord is long, so you don't have to worry about the back seats and trunk. Easy to clean, comes with an extension to get into narrow spots. We're satisfied!" —AsadaFries

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in black or white, as well as a cordless option).

    38. If you have a single-serving coffee maker, a set of cleaning K-Cups that'll flush out all of the residue that's been making your morning bevs Pop one in and brew as if you were making your favorite hot drink, then brew again without the cup to rinse it out.

    Reviewer photo of the cleaning pod in a K-cup machine
    Reviewer photo of coffee residue in water after using the cleaning K-cup

    See why one TikTok reviewer loves these so much here

    Promising review: "I bought this product because the needle in my Keurig 2.0 keeps clogging, causing inconsistent brew and taste. These cleaning cups fixed both of my issues, and I especially liked that it was really quick and easy to use. I put the cleaning pod in and ran one cycle, then took the pod out and ran a rinse cycle to clean out any leftover grinds. FAST, EASY, and GREAT results… VERY HAPPY!!" —Corey West

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.95 (also available as a 12-pack). 

    39. And for your travel mugs, a box of bottle cleaning tablets if you're looking for a nearly hands-off solution for getting rid of those gross coffee stains for good. Simply fill your bottle with warm water, drop in a tablet, let it fizz for 15–30 minutes, rinse, and presto! 

    reviewer holding up a coffee stained thermos
    same reviewer showing the same thermos looking clean and stain-free

    See why one TikToker named this one of their "things you need from Amazon" here. Plus, check out BuzzFeed Shopping's Bottle Bright deep dive for more info!

    Promising review: "Despite being diligent and rinsing my bottles out, they do tend to accumulate funky color, slight odor, etc. and generally just get gunkier over time. I heated up a pot of water, filled a few bottles, dropped one of these into each, and 15 minutes later most were sparkling clean, good as new. A few of the worst needed to be left a few hours/overnight, but in every case these pills worked magic. I also tried one just for kicks on my stainless steel lined coffee pot, over five years of daily use with filtered water, monthly descaling process, etc. but still showing browning inside, and one pill cleared all the stains away." —C Stevens

    Get a pack of 36 tablets from Amazon for $24 (also available in packs of 12 or 78).

    40. Yonanas fruit soft-serve maker that'll have you churning out delicious ice cream-esque treats made of literally just frozen fruit. Easy, refreshing, and fun!

    The black device on a table with sorbet in a bowl under it
    A close up of a reviewer's yellow and red sorbet

    Watch one TikTok reviewer make strawberry and banana ice cream here

    Promising review: "I saw one of these in action at a friend's house like five years ago and thought it was just a made-up memory because making ice cream out of solely frozen fruit seems wild. But when I saw a TikTok about it, I immediately went to Amazon and bought it. Literally this was the BEST decision of my life. I cannot believe still how amazing this thing is! It makes the creamiest, best tasting fruit ice cream ever. It’s easy to take apart and clean, and super easy to use." —DMCKAY

    Get it from Amazon for $47.95+ (available in six colors).

    41. A plant-based Puracy spray reviewers say will send even the most stubborn tomato sauce, oil, sweat, and baby poop stains packing their bags. Now you won't have to throw out your favorite throw blanket after your very adorable (and very not-potty-trained) puppy has an accident on it. 🙃

    reviewer before photo showing a pair of stained white pants
    same reviewer's after photo showing the pants looking spotless

    Watch it remove a dark stain from a white shirt on TikTok here.

    Based in Austin, Texas, Puracy was started by two best friends with the aim of making plant-based cleaning products that are gentle enough to use around children. 

    Promising review: "Hands-down: best stain remover ever. I haven’t found a stain it won’t work on. It’ll take out old grease stains, even after the clothes have been through the dryer. For tough or old stains, saturate it and let it if sit for hours, even overnight. It’ll get it out. I’ll never get another stain remover." —Margaret E.

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in two sizes). 

    42. Glossier's Stretch Concealer, which provides light, barely there coverage that'll have you swearing off of cakey, crayon-like concealers forever. Apply it over pimples, dark circles, and everything in between for a brighter, more even complexion.

    model applying the concealer under their eyes
    different shades of the concealer styled on pink background

    Watch one TikToker's review here! Just note that the price has gone up by a few dollars since the video was published. 

    Promising review: "This concealer makes me look like I got eight hours of sleep when I'm working on four. Where all other concealers have caked in the fine lines now appearing under my eyes — thanks, thirties — this stuff just glides over them and conceals them too. Total magic." —herhere

    Get it from Glossier for $20 (available in 12 shades).

    43. A bottle of cuticle repair oil in case you're someone whose nails could use a little TLC after all those gel manis. It's made with conditioning sweet almond oil, moisturizing jojoba oil, and antioxidant-rich vitamin E. 

    Watch one TikToker apply it here!

    Promising review: "Found it on TikTok and I’m so pleased with the results. My nails are getting stronger and growing. And the best of all not chipping. Love it." —sidna saavedra

    Get it from Amazon for $8.50+ (available in four sizes as well as a pen version). 

    44. First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub Exfoliant to help reduce the appearance of keratosis pilaris, aka a skin condition that causes rough, scaly red or white bumps to form on various parts of the body (I've had this on my arms!). The scrub contains glycolic and lactic acids that loosen the skin's top layer and clear out pores, along with pumice buffing beads that wipe everything away so you'll have smoother-looking — and feeling — skin.

    reviewer's before and after of their arm that's been treated with the product
    The tube of scrub

    See what a dermatologist has to say about it on TikTok!

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Ciera Velarde says: "I've had keratosis pilaris since I was a teenager (it's especially bad on my thighs), and after trying dozens of products to treat it with no luck, this magical product is the only thing that's truly worked for me. I usually use this once a week for maintenance, but in the winter if I notice a flare-ups and I get have drier, rougher, bumpier skin, I use this twice a week, and any flare-ups disappear within the week. I scrub it over my thighs and then actually let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off. I have notorious sensitive skin, and I've never had an issue with this before. It's truly the best product out there for any fellow KP sufferers out there!"

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and Instagram. I decided to try it and it really works. I used it on my thighs and upper arms. I noticed a difference the first time and even more the second time!!! Fabulous product. Worth every penny." —Launa

    Get it from Amazon for $12+ (available in three sizes). 

    45. A nifty Bread Buddy dispenser, which keeps loaves fresh for much longer than just storing them in their plastic bags by creating an airtight seal. Wrap the top of the bag over the sides of the dispenser, then just pull down whenever you want a slice (it's fun!). No more seeing a teeny speck of green and wondering if you can just ~eat around it~.

    A reviewer using the rectangular bread dispenser to pull out a fresh loaf
    An image of the rectangular bread holder with a loaf inside

    See it in action on TikTok here

    Plus, some reviewers say they bring it on trips when they don't want their bread getting smushed en route. 

    Promising review: "The Buddeez Sandwich Bread Dispenser is great! It does exactly what it was intended for. I live alone, and I don't quite go through bread often enough before the last quarter section of the loaf starts to go stale. I was originally looking for something to put a loaf of bread in as a shell for my vacuum sealer, that would keep the bread from getting crushed from the pressure. This dispenser solved all of my problems. Thank you!" —DRMcQuaig

    Get it from Amazon for $12.49

    46. An adorable magnetic cloud key holder so you'll never find yourself heading out the door, and then going, "Shoot, where did I leave my keys?!" Now they'll have a dedicated spot, and one that'll make you smile, too!

    Best of all, there's no installation required — see it in action on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "So, yes, TikTok made me buy this, but so far I really like it. It's obviously very adorable and offers a charming spot to keep my keys that works with my entryway. I'm really surprised by how strong the hold is for such a small object — I carry my car fob and a few keys and so far it's holding strong. I hung it with Command strips to avoid any potential damage to the wall and I will say make sure it's level as the hold is not so good on an angle (but that was from the original in-hand testing). Definitely recommend and for the price, I'm very tempted to get one for my at-work office." —D. Carter 

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98.

    47. Danessa Myricks Beauty's Colorfix Eye, Cheek, and Lip Cream Pigment, which will undoubtedly become the most reached-for item in your makeup bag once you discover how versatile it is. It comes in a gorgeous array of matte, metallic, and high shine hues for a gorgeous boost of color wherever you want your features to pop. 

    model wearing blue, pink, and purple pigment on their eyelids
    model wearing red lip pigment

    See why one TikToker loves it here

    Danessa Myricks Beauty is a Black woman–owned small biz dedicated to creating "a world of beauty for people from all races, ages, and genders." FYI, this product is cruelty-free!

    Promising review: "This is my first time trying this product, and I absolutely love it. It is transfer-proof, and the color is very vibrant. I used it as a lipstick, eyeliner, and an eyeshadow. I have combination skin, and I have to say I’m pleased with the wearability of this product. Upon applying it, it feels like a cream, but once it dries, it becomes weightless and matte. I really loved this product because I could barely tell I was wearing anything on my face. Usually, I have a hard time finding products that are genuinely transfer-proof, smudge-proof, and weightless. I am so happy I stumbled upon this product. I also have to say that it’s pretty easy to take off as well depending on what products you use. I used the Garnier waterproof micellar water and with a few swipes there was very little smudging, and the product came right off." —whailey

    Get it from Sephora for $18 (available in 31 colors).

    48. Dawn's Platinum Powerwash Dish Spray so you can cut through the crusty lasagna residue on that baking dish you were thinking of tossing rather than dealing with. Don't! Just spray some of this on, wait a few minutes, and see how easily that caked-on cheese comes right off. 

    reviewer holding the blue bottle of dawn dish spray
    reviewer holding a shiny metal pan that was cleaned using the dawn dish spray

    Check it out in action on TikTok here. Plus, reviewers have said they use it on so much more than just dishes, from wall markings to greasy surfaces!

    Promising review: "I always wash my dishes/pots/pans by hand, but I live with a messy cook. Spraying down the items and waiting five minutes or so has made life so much easier! Even pans with burnt on food clean up like a dream. (Okay, so one pan I left with the spray solution overnight, but that pan was a mess inside and out). Even muffins that my chef forgot to spray with Pam prior to cooking his corn muffins! Sprayed, waited 10 minutes while I cleaned the chef's kitchen mess, and couldn't believe how easy the caked on matter washed away with just swiping with a dishcloth — NO SCRUBBING! I will be returning to purchase more!" —Trish Santos

    Get a starter kit with a refill from Amazon for $8.44.

    49. And finally, Laneige's Lip Sleeping Mask, which keeps lips kissably smooth by trapping moisture to prevent chapping and cracking. Swipe some on before bed and let it work its magic overnight — oh, and there's even a limited edition pumpkin spice scent rn. 👀

    model holding the gummy bear scented lip mask
    the pumpkin spice lip mask styled with some mini pumpkins and cinnamon sticks around it

    See one TikToker sing its praises here

    Just apply a bit of this to your lips before you catch some shuteye, and let the vitamin C- and antioxidant-packed formula do the rest.

    Promising review: "Love this lip mask! Smells amazing! The best smelling one by far and is not too sticky, just the right texture. Keeps lips hydrated for hours!" —aaloveshorses

    Another promising review: "I love this lip mask! I have always struggled to find a lip product that would keep my severely dry lips at bay and this is the product! I have been using this for the past few weeks and I have never had such plush smooth lips. I wear it at night and sometimes during the day depending on what I am doing. If you struggle with dry lips, I highly recommend you give this a try." —Holly2176

    Get it from Amazon or Sephora for $24 (available in seven scents).

    Reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.