We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    50 Must-Have Products Every Savvy Traveler Should Invest In

    Like an anti-theft backpack (that's actually cute!) and some portable soap sheets juuust in case.

    1. A luggage-mounted cup caddy that'll free up your hands so you can hold your phone, boarding pass, passport — you know, the ~essentials~ (not that your XL iced mocha isn't an essential, but, you know...)

    Promising review: "This cup holder is perfect! It helps me a lot! Last time I took a plane with a suitcase and a cup of coffee, I dropped and spilled my drink everywhere when it was my turn to check my passport and ticket. It was a nightmare! This time, I bought this cup holder to do me a favor! I don't have to worry about where my cup and phone are! I can free my hands to do other things. I love it so much! Hope you love it too." —Philip

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99 (available in 34 styles).

    2. Trtl neck pillow, which will actually keep you from awkwardly dozing off on your seat mate's shoulder, thanks to its ergonomic design and soft fleece support. Plus, it'll double as a scarf (planes are COLD), and it looks way more chic than those puffy U-shaped pillows.

    Model wearing a gray Trtl pillow while sleeping on a plane

    Promising review: "I can't stop recommending this pillow to all of my friends! It has let me comfortably sleep on flights that take place on the most uncomfortable airplane seats. On long flights, I always need to prop up my hand and I rest my head on it. But this method always ends with my arm falling asleep and I end up waking up every 30 minutes. Now this pillow provides that exact same support without needing my arms to prop me up! It's small enough to fit in your bag and doesn't take up much space." —Simona Krifman

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99 (available in four colors).

    3. A set of portable soap paper sheets for ensuring your hands stay clean, even en route. They instantly foam up when you rub your wet hands together, so don't fret the next time you use a public b-room and the soap dispenser is empty (tsk tsk, public b-room!).

    Promising review: "I first saw these on TikTok and I LOVED the idea of carrying around sheetlike soap with me! Fulfills my dreams of becoming Monica Geller 💜" —Erica

    Get a four-pack (200 sheets total) from Amazon for $7.69.

    4. A set of Sea Bands to wear on your wrists when you wanna kick nausea to the curb, whether you're on a boat, in a car, hungover, or all of the above. They contain a little plastic knob that exerts pressure on an acupuncture point known to reduce nausea, and unlike gum or lozenges, they're 100% reusable.

    Promising review: "I’ve always been kind of sick. I throw up on long car rides, I can’t read in the car, I get horrible migraines 24/7, etc. Recently I changed medications and because of that, my migraines came back with a vengeance. Thinking there was nothing I could do I kind of gave up, until, I was looking at BuzzFeed and saw this in their recommended. I thought it could help with any car sickness that I would get but man I was not giving these enough credit! Since I have bought them I wear them ALL. THE. TIME. I wear them in and out of the car, to bed, and just around the house. I no longer feel nauseous and my migraines are almost non existent. Whoever invented these are a freaking god! I don’t know think I could ever live without these! BUY THESE!! They're so worth it." —JohnDz

    Get a pair from Amazon for $8.53.

    5. And a roll-on migraine stick you can dab over your temples, forehead, and neck when you feel a headache coming on — no more vacations spent stuck in bed! It contains peppermint, spearmint, and lavender oils, which can help ease pain at the onset, and since it's about the size of a tube of lip balm, it's perfect for keeping in your bag in case one of those debilitating headaches sneaks up while you're out and about. 

    Promising review: "This stuff is my go-to fix when I feel a migraine coming on. I suffer from sinus headaches and migraines usually once or twice a week. This product I put on each temple, under my nose and on my wrists when I feel the pressure starting and it cuts the pain to a minimum. It seems to stop the worst pain before it has a chance to start. Thank you for a great product! I will buy again and again!" —Brenton1985

    Read BuzzFeed's Migrastil Migraine Stick review for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    6. A portable white noise machine, because if you've ever tried getting a good night's sleep while your hotel neighbors were throwing a rager, you probably wished you had one of these. Sweet dreams!

    reviewer holding the small black noise machine in the palm of their hand to show scale
    close up of the same reviewer holding the noise machine, showing the different buttons

    It features 20 nonlooping sleep sounds, 32 volume levels, and a timer — plus, it weighs less than half a pound!

    Promising review: "Wonderful sound machine. Compact enough for travel. We took ours on vacation and are so glad we did. This drowns out hotel noises perfectly! I like how small it is when on my dresser at home, too. So thankful for the nonlooping sound. Would recommend over and over again." —Hill.jess

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99.

    7. An in-flight phone mount in case whatever airline you're flying doesn't have any good viewing options (if they even offer them at all). It attaches to the top of your seat-back tray so you can download your favorite movies and TV shows before takeoff and watch them midair.

    Promising review: "I bought this nifty gadget about six months ago for a multi-leg, ultra-long-haul trip and it more than held up the entire duration. I was able to finagle it to fit the tray tables on different planes, and like others, I find the height just nice when clamped onto a stowed tray table. It also works on my roller carry-on handle during layovers. However, I find myself using it a lot outside of travel too! Work-wise, I've clamped it onto my office desk shelving to hold my phone at eye level beside my computer. At home, I simply clamped it to a deck of cards and it turns into a versatile stand that I can place on any flat surface. Heck, I've been using it to hold my phone comfortably at eye level while watching videos in bed. It's extremely well-built, and I find myself fidgeting with it all the time. Thus far it still feels solid and I don't anticipate breaking it any time soon. Even if it does break, I'll be happy to buy another one or two of it!" —Earendil

    Get it from Amazon for $12.97 (available in three colors and two-packs).

    8. A classy wrinkle-resistant top, since you need at least one garment in your suitcase that'll make you look presentable even after TSA tosses your luggage around. If you don't have room for a travel steamer, this will do the trick!

    model wearing the top in white
    model wearing the top in black

    Promising review: "Great for travel. Lightweight and doesn't wrinkle. Can be worn casually or more dressy." —anonymous

    Another promising review: "LOVE this blouse — comfortable, stylish, washes like a dream. Looks great with tights or Brooklyn pants but works great as a swimsuit cover-up too, so it's fabulous for travel — versatile and does not wrinkle." —Jude B

    Get it from Athleta for $119 (available in women's regular sizes XXS—3X, tall sizes S–XL, petite sizes XS–L, and in seven colors — not all colors available in all sizes). 

    9. And a clever hoodie with a built-in eye mask you'll be so happy you bought when your flight neighbor has the overhead reading light angled right at your face. Its cushy, cotton blend fleece and cozy, oversized fit will make you feel the most comfy you've ever felt in an airplane seat, and maybe you'll even get some shut-eye this time!

    model wearing the pink hoodie with the eye mask down on a plane
    model wearing the beige hoodie
    Pond Los Angeles

    Pond Los Angeles is an Asian woman-owned small biz making luxurious travel products that'll make you feel like you're in first class, even if you're flying coach.

    Promising review: "I fly a lot and am constantly trying to find a hoodie with a big hood to cover my eyes so I can catch up on some beauty sleep on flights. I saw this product on Instagram and knew it would be a game changer. I was able to use it recently for the first time on an early-morning flight, and let me tell you, it is EVERYTHING I was looking for and more. It’s comfy, cozy, oversized, and the eye covers make you feel like you’re in a whole other world and not packed like a sardine on a plane. My over ear headphone fit perfectly under it and I got the best sleep I’ve had on a plane — EVER! Like other reviews have said, it is big, so size down if you want something a little more snug. I have been wearing it every day at home and can’t wait to get the black and blush ones!" —Heather G.

    Get it from Pond Los Angeles for $105+ (available in women's sizes XS–XL and three colors). 

    10. A cute portable charger that reeeally comes in handy when you're at 19% battery and the plane hasn't even taken off yet. It'll also give you some extra juice while you're exploring (this one's so much sleeker than those bulky block chargers), and best of all, it plugs right into your phone, meaning no pesky cords!

    gif of reviewer holding the pink charger and showing its built-in lightning cable
    hands holding a phone with the white charger plugged into it

    Britt: "I've had my eye on this bad boy for a while now, and finally ordered it to take on a recent two-week trip to Europe. Let me tell you: LIFESAVER. I'm the type of person who loves to spend hours and hours exploring new cities, but with the amount of photos and videos I take, my phone's battery tends to drain really quickly (relying on Google Maps to get literally everywhere doesn't help, either). With this, I knew I'd have some backup when there weren't any outlets nearby, and it was *so* nice not having to connect my phone to a clunky charging bank via cord. 100% recommend!"

    Promising review: "The holy grail of portable chargers!!! I was traveling to Disney for vacation and knowing me, I would drain my battery with just taking pictures alone. I wanted a portable battery but didn’t want a carry a cord either, so I was excited when I found this little baby! It does exactly as described, pretty pink color, and I get one full charge of battery for my iPhone 11. Get it, you will not be disappointed!" —Meghan Doble

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in six colors).

    11. An unassuming luggage strap, which may not look like much but is actually super convenient in terms of keeping your hands free. Just hook it onto your luggage handle and attach your purse, backpack, neck pillow, jacket, or pretty much anything else you'd rather not schlep around the terminal yourself. 

    gif showing someone attaching a yellow strap to a white suitcase and hooking a black tote bag to it
    collage of pictures showing how the strap can be used to secure a lot of different travel items
    Amazon, Amazon

    Promising review: "I love this little gadget. I used it to attach my jacket and computer bag to my luggage on an extended business trip. It made my airport walks so much easier. Now that I'm back home, I've been using it daily to attach my jacket or cardigan to my work bag or purse." —Michele

    Get it from Amazon for $8.49+ (available in six colors).

    12. A luxe-looking passport and vaccination card holder, because if there are two things you don't wanna be without while traveling, it's those. Now they'll have a dedicated place in your bag, and the vaccination card slot is conveniently see-through so you can easily flash it whenever necessary.

    The case in all 13 colors fanned out, along with one open case to show how the items fit inside
    Henney's Boutique / Etsy

    It's made by Henney's Boutique, a small biz based in LA specializing in handy leather goods. 

    Promising review: "I love this! I bought one for myself, then one for my husband, then I've been sending the link to everyone who asks me where I got it... They're the best for keeping both your passport and your vaccine card safe for travel." —Paige Devlin

    Get it from Henney's Boutique on Etsy for $8+ (available in 19 colors, and with extra slots). 

    13. Or a travel wallet made from an RFID-blocking material, meaning your important documents will be protected from information theft (something we, unfortunately, need to be wary of). Plus, it's got a ton of pockets to keep everything nice and organized. 

    The wallet has a passport pocket, boarding pass compartment, three credit card slots, an ID slot, a slim card pouch, slim pocket, a ticket slot, a cellphone pouch, a coin zippered pocket, key holder, and pen holder.

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this wallet. I needed a new travel wallet, and this holds everything I need all in one place, and it still closes nicely and stays flat! I can fit my boarding pass, passport, ID, credit cards, money, checked baggage tickets, receipts, and more in it, yet it doesn’t bulk up or look like an overstuffed mess. It's just amazing. The description says it only holds US money, but I just used the boarding pass flap to hold all my Japanese Yen (¥), which are larger. I didn’t use the zippered pocket for coins as I much prefer a separate coin purse for that sort of thing. I definitely recommend to anyone who travels a lot!" —Anthony Luu

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in 40 colors).

    14. A jewelry organizer lined with clasps that'll separate all of your delicate chains so they don't get tangled up into a nightmare of a ball while you're en route. And when you're not using it, it folds up into a cute little carrying case!

    the inside of the pink jewelry organizer, showing the necklace clasps and several pockets
    reviewer holding the folded up pink jewelry organizer

    Promising review: "Great product! First, it’s adorable. I love the color and fabric quilting, the gold zippers. Second, it is the perfect size for my jewelry when I travel. I don’t usually bring much jewelry so this is a good size for me. The necklaces stayed tangle-free, and there are enough small zippered compartments for my bracelets and larger earrings. I was concerned about the organizer only having a snap closure and not zipping up all the way, but everything stayed secure and nothing fell out of place, so there’s that. Overall, a great product and I would assume the other sizes and varieties are of similar quality." —Emily

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in two sizes and nine styles). 

    15. And to match, a waterproof toiletry bag you can hang in the hotel bathroom (because you know the idea of a hotel bathroom having more than an inch of counter space is laughable). It comes with four zip-up compartments and packs up into a little purse, but as you can see from the photos, it fits a TON!

    Reviewer photo of all of the toiletries they were able to fit in the case, next to the zipped-up bag
    The same reviewer showing everything neatly packed up inside the flattened bag

    Promising review: "I. Love. This. Bag. Seriously, I had a cheap toiletry bag from Target that essentially did the same thing, only way worse. It was too small, the hook didn't rotate so you could only hang it at an angle, if anything ever leaked, it would seep right through the bag, etc. But THIS bag has NONE of those issues! It fits everything I need and then some, meaning I don't have to skimp on my 10-step Korean skincare routine when I travel anymore. It never leaks. And I love that the hook swivels so you can hang it anywhere, and your stuff hangs perfectly. I also love the handle and the overall flatter shape. It makes it so easy to travel with! Cannot recommend this bag enough." —KaiEli

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in two sizes and six colors).

    16. A chic anti-theft backpack, which is cleverly designed to open from the back to keep your belongings safe from sneaky pickpockets (can't unzip it unless you take it off!). It's also spacious enough to fit a tablet and has lots of little nooks and crannies for storing smaller items. 

    Reviewer sitting on a bench with the gray backpack with a lighter gray stripe down the middle
    BuzzFeeder's photo of the black faux leather backpack holding snacks, sunscreen, an umbrella, glasses case, water bottle, and hand sanitizer in its theft-proof back pocket
    www.amazon.com, Britt Ross / BuzzFeed

    Britt: "I recently returned from Italy, and as someone who prefers a small backpack over a purse most of the time, I thought this would be a great purchase, as it would give me some peace of mind as I spent hours wandering around different cities. I'm happy to report that after two weeks of daily use, I'm convinced I'll be bringing it on every trip I take from now on. It's small enough so that it doesn't feel bulky or uncomfortable throughout the day, but has plenty of space for everything you'd need on the go — I fit my wallet, sunscreen, glasses case, hand sanitizer, water bottle, snacks, and even a small umbrella, with room to spare! And the fact that it opens from the back means someone would literally have to pry it off of you to get to your valuables. I bought the medium size in black pebbled faux leather, and it's actually quite cute for the price!"

    Promising review: "I bought this backpack to use as a purse while on vacation, and it worked perfectly. The main pouch is protected when you’re walking around because the zipper is protected by your back. There are also two side zippered pockets, one of which kept my phone and the other perfect for sunglasses and a few other items that I wanted to access more easily. I loved that I could wear it as a purse to dinner but use it as a backpack during the day so that my shoulder didn’t get tired. I highly recommend this item!" —Allison

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99+ (available in two sizes and 16 styles).

    17. A lovely flat that comes in so many gorgeous colors and prints, you'll have a hard time choosing just one pair. Reviewers say these fold up nice and compact (your forever-crammed suitcase will thank you), and that they're super comfortable — perfect when you're dashing through the airport Home Alone-style or need a shoe that easily slips on and off at security. 

    reviewer wearing snakeskin flats with jeans
    reviewer wearing tan flats with jeans

    Those 34,000+ 5-star ratings don't lie!

    Promising review: "I normally cannot wear flats because they give me terrible blisters on the back of my feet. These didn't! Bought these in nude for a city vacation with a lot of walking, but where sandals aren't necessarily worn and these were perfect! They obviously don't have the support of sneakers, but I am so happy to finally have a cheap pair of flats that don't give me blisters. I did break them in with thin socks on around my house before wearing them out and when possible, I wear them with little sock liners. Also — I was able to fold these in half like Tieks and fit them in a semi-small purse to change into to dance at a wedding! Score!" —Kate

    Get it from Amazon for $11.33+ (available in sizes 5–15, including wide sizes, and 35 styles). 

    18. Away's popular The Carry-On for anyone who *hates* checking bags, but still needs enough space for ample clothing options (it fits five to seven outfits and has a laundry compartment!). It comes in the *prettiest* colors, and for an extra 20 bucks you can add a USB charging port — a blessing if there ever was one. Oh, and the TSA-approved lock means only you and airport security can access your belongings. 

    close up of the USB charging port on the pink carry on
    the white carry-on

    Promising review: "I was in Rome and Florence, Italy for nine days, and the Away Carry-On was just perfect. From being able to charge up my iPhone at the airport or on the train traveling from Rome to Florence, it worked perfectly. Stylish and very versatile. It also kept my belongings packed beautifully, plus the perk of a laundry bag for my dirty clothes. Getting through security was a breeze, plus the added compliments of how beautiful it was. You have a customer for life. I was very happy and impressed." —Keith H.

    Get it from Away for $275+ (available with or without a USB charger and in nine colors). 

    19. A memory foam seat cushion, because long car rides are stressful enough without your bum screaming "SOS!" within the first hour. With this, your booty will stay comfy and cradled, and the cool gel layer on top keeps things from getting too sweaty. 

    Promising review: "A few weeks into working from home five days a week I started having a lot of hip/leg/back pain. I have a good Herman Miller task chair that had been fine for one to two days of WFH a week, but wasn't working for me full time. In the early afternoons my lower back would start cramping. I did some research and bought this pillow and it immediately helped! I also took it on a two-week road trip since a three day road trip earlier this year had made a mess of my lower body that lingered for weeks — and no pain! What really drove me to write this review was that yesterday, unknowingly, I worked all day sitting on my chair without my cushion. I had removed it to use as a spare chair at my dinner table and forgot to put it back. At the end of the day hip was aching and I realized why! Today it's back on my chair and I'm already feeling better." —Lorene

    Get it from Amazon for $35.16+ (available in black or gray).

    20. Some vacuum storage bags in case you've ever been accused of overpacking and wanna prove that bringing 10 sweaters on a weeklong trip is perfectly acceptable and doable. Place your garments into the bags and suck the excess air out with the included travel pump. Now, you can squeeze in the extra eight dresses you absolutely needed as well.

    A BuzzFeeder's bulky clothes in a sealed bag with text:
    The BuzzFeeder's same clothes now vacuum-sealed with text:
    Jasmin Sandal / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Jasmin Sandal says: "I swear by these bad boys not only for general storage purposes, but also if I know I'm going to be traveling for an extended period of time. As someone who tends to pack for every eventuality (who doesn't like to be prepared?!), I have learned that it's better to travel with them than without — especially since it's more or less a guarantee that my clothes are gonna take up a ~substantial~ amount of room in my suitcase. And if I can use something that's gonna shrink the size of my bulky hoodies and/or big tees in order for me to create more space, I'm sure as heck gonna do it. Plus, the satisfaction is indeed guaranteed because when you see those chunky layers flatten into a pancake...it's just *chef's kiss*."

    Promising review: "I've used these bags before and they are so helpful. Even used the medium one for travel and I have tons of extra suitcase room. The clothes don't come out wrinkled at all as long as you fold them nicely before placing in the bag, then the air sucks out keeping them safe and sound and very compact. Arrived on time, would use this seller again." —Susie Kochsmeier

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in five sizes, as well as packs of two, five, and eight).

    21. An AirFly Pro wireless transmitter so you can connect your earbuds to the plane's entertainment system. Who cares if you've seen You've Got Mail upward of 50 times, that piece of cinematic gold deserves better than those staticky airline-distributed headphones.

    Just plug it into the headphone jack to hear Meg Ryan say, "That caviar is a garnish!" the way it was meant to be heard. You can also connect up to two pairs of earbuds at a time, and it has 16+ hours of battery life for suuuper long flights. 

    Twelve South is a husband and wife-owned biz based in Charleston, South Carolina, and has just 20 team members! They've been designing accessories inspired by and made for Apple products since 2009.

    Promising review: "Ever since I purchased my wireless Bose earbuds, I always hated having to use another set when I was on an airplane with the seat-back entertainment system. I tried many different models to connect the system to my Bluetooth headsets until I came across this one, and it is amazing! It seamlessly connects to my headset, very clear and reliable audio, and it takes the stress away from having to carry multiple headsets! Thank you!!!" —Ryan Malloy

    Get it from Amazon for $54.99 (also available in two other styles).

    22. Some in-flight earplugs, which won't only drown out the sound of the screaming toddler in back of you; they'll also help prevent air pressure discomfort and popping. No wonder one reviewer says they "never fly without these!"

    A reviewer wearing the blue earplugs
    The box of earplugs

    Promising review: "Never fly without these! Before I found these, I endured excruciating pain in my ears upon descent and landing. Felt like a hot poker being driven into each ear. My ears would also be plugged up, and it would often take two to three days for them to resume their normal state of being. I insert them about an hour before landing, as the plane is making its slow descent. I'm comfortable, and the most discomfort I experience is a slight adjustment of pressure feeling in my sinus. NO PAIN. NO TEARS." —K. Tombrella

    Get a pack with three pairs from Amazon for $17.49 (also available in packs of five or 10 pairs). 

    23. A very thorough travel checklist so you can avoid having a Kate McCallister moment as your plane's about to take off. It's done all of the work for you by listing pretty much any travel need you could think of, so all you have to do is cross items off as you pack!

    hand holding a pen to the blue, red, and white travel checklist

    The pad has 60 sheets, so it'll last a long time — even for frequent fliers.

    Promising review: "A must if you travel a lot. An easy way to know you have everything you need for a trip! Great inexpensive gift for a traveler." —Keitha M.

    Get it from Amazon for $10.50.

    24. The cutest travel games set that'll keep your kids (and maybe even you!) from throwing a tantrum during long drives and layovers. It comes with six dry-erase game boards, with favorites like Connect Four, Tic-Tac-Toe, and Hangman, along with markers and a handy carrying case.

    the travel games set, including dry erase boards, markers, and a carrying case
    Jonley Gifts / Etsy

    Based in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Jonley Gifts is a small biz you should check out for home decor, personalized items, and cheeky T-shirts. 

    Promising review: "So adorable! Out of several similar travel game options, my kids liked this one best. The quality is amazing for the price." —Samantha Grace

    Get it from Jonley Gifts on Etsy for $27

    25. And a Kindle Paperwhite to help the hours spent waiting at the gate go by when the status of your flight is a big ol' question mark 🙃 Plus, it's waterproof and glare-free, meaning it's the perfect thing to bring to the hotel pool (which you'll obviously be heading straight for as soon as you *finally* land). 

    reviewer photo of a kindle showing a book cover
    reviewer holding the kindle while reading a page from a book
    reviewer holding up the kindle sideways to show how thin it is

    Promising review: "I LOVE my Kindle Paperwhite! I recently upgraded from an old Kindle that didn't have a backlight, and what a difference. I really love being able to read in bed at night without needing to have a light on. The battery life is fantastic. The Kindle is great for travel, so you don't have to dedicate luggage space to multiple books, but also great for just keeping with you or having around the house. It's so lightweight and thin. I recommend for any avid reader!" —Marissa T

    Read BuzzFeed's Kindle Paperwhite (2018) deep dive for more info!

    Get it from Amazon for $139.99+ (available with or without three months of Kindle Unlimited and ads, in 8GB or 32GB versions, as well as a kids version). 

    26. A nifty gadget called the Bug Bite Thing, because few things are as frustrating as going on vacation and being eaten alive by mosquitoes. This ingenious device sucks out the saliva or venom that causes itching and irritation in bites, and since it doesn't rely on creams or chemicals, it's completely reusable.

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    This works on mosquitoes, bees, wasps, biting flies, sea lice (sea lice?!), and more!

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok, and I have been having issues with mosquito bites. Used it a few time to relieve itchiness, and I am convinced it works! I have been recommending it to my family and friends.  Read the directions and follow them carefully. Don't use this on your face or neck, or other sensitive areas. Don't do a lot of suction, just a little bit. And do it a few times if needed. Great invention!" —Joe

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (also available in packs of two or three). 

    27. A 100% waterproof, satin-lined Hairbrella for keeping your perfectly coiffed 'do looking the same as it did when you left the hotel — a little rain isn't gonna ruin your vacation! The silky-smooth lining means no hat hair, and it conveniently folds into a pouch for stashing in your bag.

    reviewer wearing the black Hairbrella in the rain
    Model pouring water on another model's head while wearing the hairbrella, then taking it off to show hair perfectly styled and dried

    Hairbrella is a Black-owned small business established in 2016 that specializes in hats that both look cool and protect hair from the elements.

    Promising review: "Awesome hat, a must-have for hairdos. I get my hair done often and don’t want to destroy a great hairdo. I have been out in a rainstorm and taken it on the log ride into the splash down, hair stayed nice and dry. Love it so much I fold it up and keep it in my purse! It even has a ponytail pouch hidden in it." —applekoolaid

    Another promising review: "This hat arrived just in time for my trip to Niagara Falls. I have braids and this hat protected my hair completely. The visor provided excellent protection on The Maid Of The Mist as well as the walk behind the falls. This is a must have." —sandra l darrett

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99+ (available in nine styles).

    28. universal travel adapter, because is there anything worse than flying overseas, arriving at your hotel, and realizing you have no way of plugging your electronics into the outlets? Nope! This comes with four international adapters so you'll never find yourself in that situation again.

    BuzzFeeder photo of the black adaptor plugged into an outlet, with an iPhone charger plugged into the adaptor
    gif of BuzzFeeder plugging the adaptor into a European outlet and its light turning on to show it's working
    Britt Ross / BuzzFeed

    There are also two USB ports! 

    Britt: "While the listing says this adapter can't be used in South Africa, India, Switzerland, and Italy, I just used this on my Italian vacation (in five different hotels!) and had zero issues — in fact, it was a complete godsend. Maybe they've updated the design, as I've seen some other reviewers who visited these countries say it worked for them, too. I'm not a tech-guru by any means, but I was able to get it working the very first time I tried it, and luckily for my husband, who did not think to bring an adapter, we were able to charge both his phone and mine every night using the USB ports. Just know that it's primarily meant for charging small devices and not for powering up things like hair dryers and straighteners. I got it in black and it's super sleek-looking, too!"

    Promising review: "I recently used this device in India and in Paris and it WORKED GREAT! I have owned similar devices and they didn't last long, broke easily. This adapter is well-built and I am delighted with it." —Jim O.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in black or white).

    29. Plus a six-port USB charging station, which is a game-changer when you're at the airport and need to charge your phone, and tablet, and your kids' tablet, and your SO's tablet...and there's only one place to plug in. Oh, and if you get to your hotel and realize your room is short on outlets, this bb has you covered. 

    the outlet with five chargers plugged into it
    the outlet placed in a suitcase

    Promising review: "This is a great product! I travel frequently, and I am always challenged with the number of USB ports I can get with the number of outlets available (and where) in hotel rooms. With this product, the number of ports problem goes away, and what's great is that it extends the charger interface out from behind a bed or nightstand, or other inconvenient receptacle location, up onto a work surface for easy access. As far as power, I have had an ASUS transformer, two iPads, HTC One M8, and two iPhones connected to it at the same time, charging for hours with no heat on the device whatsoever. It works great at home too. I have always had good luck with Anker products, good quality." —bishop

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in black or white).

    30. A sneaky money belt with a hidden zip-up pocket that'll keep your cash close so you can take in the sights with more peace of mind.

    Model putting a $100 bill into the concealed zipper belt

    Promising review: "I purchased this for a trip to Cuba, where I needed to carry all of the money I needed for that week in cash. Although I am not typically worried/normally cautious when traveling, the idea of carrying that much cash on me made me nervous. Traditional money belts/fanny packs just didn't seem like a fit for me. I was worried they would become uncomfortable in the hot sun. This security belt was perfect. It allowed us to carry most of the money for the trip hidden within the belt and carry in my purse the money I needed for that day. It also worked like a breeze with no issues getting through security. I'm not sure how much I'll use this in the future, but it was perfect for our needs for a trip to Cuba." —fendi

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99 (available for pant sizes 20"–50" and in three colors). 

    31. And a super smart travel pouch, which clips right onto your bra, meaning your cash, credit cards, and ID will be kept safe from even the most skilled pickpockets. 

    the small pouch attached to the side of a bra
    the same pouch now attached to the middle of a bra

    Promising review: "This was a LIFESAVER while traveling. I kept my cards and cash in it and had no stress about thieves lifting my essentials while traveling heavily pickpocketed cities. I loved it so much, I actually continued to use it when I got home instead of carrying a purse! The top flap did start to unravel after about six months — but this was also after six months of everyday use." —Krista Hinz

    Get it from Amazon for $16.95 (available in two colors).

    32. stylish travel belt that frees up your hands by keeping your carry-on bag or personal item securely fastened to your rolling suitcase. It's also adjustable and comes in the ~cutest~ designs. 

    model with a yellow and white checkered travel belt wrapped around their luggage
    model standing next to a green suitcase with a black carry-on strapped to the handle using a pink and black belt
    Cincha Travel

    Psst: You can also personalize it!

    Cincha Travel is a small BIPOC-owned biz based in Oakland, California, specializing in adjustable vegan leather travel belts. The brand donates 100 airline miles for each purchase to help reunite migrant families.

    Promising review: "Such a simple yet brilliant solution for the ever falling bag when trying to juggle all your luggage. It definitely made traveling less stressful." —Samantha

    Get it from Cincha for $40 (available in 16 styles).

    33. solid shampoo bar you can stick in your carry-on without a second thought, since it's not a liquid! Or pack it in your suitcase and rest assured your clothes will be spared from — oh no! — sticky spills. 

    a teal shampoo bar next to its packaging and some mint leaves
    model using a white shampoo bar to wash their hair

    Psst: It comes in recyclable/compostable packaging, making it more eco-friendly than plastic bottles!

    Promising review: "I was definitely skeptical about a bar shampoo and conditioner, but I travel a lot and really wanted to cut down the use of plastic products as much as possible. I honestly am in love! I got the Heali Kiwi shampoo bar and the Wonderbar conditioner, as well as one of their eco-friendly bamboo and sugarcane storage containers, and my very long, fine, oily hair, which I do have to wash daily, looks and feels great. I recommend anyone on the fence to definitely give it a try! It works! So wonderful for travel, too!" —M.A.

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99 (available in 13 scents, as well as packs of two).

    34. A waterproof pouch for keeping your precious phone safe on canoe trips, beach excursions, or even surprise rain showers. Oh, and if you wanna take some cool underwater photos, the clear window is touch-friendly!

    reviewer wearing their phone in the pouch around their neck while in the water
    reviewer holding the phone pouch while covered in bubbles during a bubble run

    It fits any phone up to 7-inches diagonally, and you can also use it to keep your ID and money from getting wet! 

    Emma: "It's also a great fix for keeping out sand and dirt (and a great option for runners, if you're caught in the rain but still want to be able to toggle through your music options)."

    Promising review: "I purchased this case in July for an upcoming canoe trip with a friend, and as luck would have it, we flipped our canoe. Being the rebel that I am, I chose not to wear my phone around my neck, and so it, my ID, and my debit card ended up at the bottom of the river and I just assumed it would be discovered a thousand years from now and placed in a museum as an ancient artifact. Fast-forward to this week. I was contacted via FB by an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office diver and guess what he found? Yup, my phone case with all of the contents intact and dry as a bone! He had to cut the case open, but there was not one single drop of water in it and he ended up purchasing a case for himself because he was just that impressed!" —Julie McDonald

    Get it from Amazon for $7.19+ (available in 14 colors).

    35. A low-key brilliant Alleyoop Pen Pal to save some space in your almost-unzippable makeup bag, since it's a 4-in-1 eyeliner, lip liner, brow pencil, and highlighter. Now you won't have to leave any precious cosmetics behind. 

    GIF of Jasmin pushing down the lip liner function of the  pen
    model holding the blue pen and wearing the mauve makeup shade
    Jasmin Sandal / BuzzFeed, Alleyoop

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Jasmin Sandal loves this thing: "I didn't realize I'd ever use a makeup product in my 20s that had the ability to transport me back to something I used in sixth grade, but here we are; and here I am using a multitool pen...for my face. I gotta say, I love the concept of the Pen Pal from Alleyoop! After using all of the functions (eyeliner, highlighter, lip liner, eyebrow pencil) and as someone who LOVES makeup but was applying as little as humanly possible during lockdown, I think it’s a great tool for anyone looking to streamline their routine. It's ideal to use for touch-ups come the end of the work day, or a subtle, minimalist way to apply makeup in the a.m. The brow pencil is particularly soft and pigmented, and filled in my eyebrows quickly. I just adore the ease of application of each product, and appreciate the universal, does-it-all-for-you concept. Plus, it saves me so much room in my already overflowing makeup bag!"

    Promising review: "Such a time saver to have this 4-in-1 tool! I use it daily and love that it is so compact." —Lauren F.

    Get it from Alleyoop for $25 (available in three shades).

    36. A water-resistant travel laptop backpack, which won't only protect your pricey tech gear; it'll keep everything charged via the handy USB port, too! It's got a dedicated computer pouch, but also comes with a roomy second compartment and a front pocket lined with small accessory storage spaces. Oh, and did I mention the theft-proof back pocket? Whoever designed this deserves a promotion. 

    Reviewer wearing gray backpack full of items
    Reviewer image of gray backpack upright on floor showing multiple front pockets, laptop sleeve, and storage

    Promising review: "This little backpack got me through 12 days of traveling Europe! I used a few space saver bags as well, but was able to bring four pairs of pants, seven shirts, and one dress, then wore a few things twice. It held up really well throughout, and fit dimensions for Wow, Vueling, and EasyJet." —CM

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in two sizes and 11 colors).

    37. Or a Mary Poppins-esque Brevite camera backpack, because your new DSLR deserves a safe space. This sturdy bag has dedicated compartments for a full-frame DSLR and three lenses, along with a laptop pocket, water bottle holder, passport pocket, side pocket, and tripod holder. 

    the red backpack on a blanket next to a pair of sandals and shorts
    model taking something out of one of the yellow backpack's interior compartments

    Based in Brooklyn, New York, Brevite is a family-owned small business that makes both camera and everyday backpacks that don't sacrifice style for functionality.

    Promising review: "Everything I've been looking for! I've purchased three or four camera backpacks over the past three years because I couldn't find one that had everything I need. This backpack has it all! So many pockets and so much space! I will definitely be purchasing another one!" —Taliena K.

    Another promising review: "AMAZING! I've always complained about how I never seem to have my camera on me when I find myself in a situation with opportunities for incredible photos, but now I'll be able to carry my camera alongside everything I usually carry and always be ready! There's plenty of space inside, I love the color, and I love how it looks like a totally unsuspecting campus-type backpack so I'm not running around with a camera bag slung over my shoulder. Consider this to be my new favorite carry-on bag!!!" —Charles M.

    Get it from Brevite for $135.99+ (available in two sizes and 11 colors).

    38. A fleecy MakeUp Eraser that'll take off allll your makeup (that includes you, waterproof mascara) using water and...that's it, just water. Seriously! No more makeup remover or wipes taking up precious space in your bag. Simply wet it, massage over your face in a circular motion, and ta-da!

    A reviewer with half their face with makeup, and the other half makeup free after using the eraser
    a black washcloth

    It's got two sides — one that can wipe off all your makeup with water and a light scrubbing, and another that exfoliates your skin. And each one lasts for up to five years!

    Promising review: "This did exactly what it claims to do. I use some warm water on a little part and my whole makeup comes off, even mascara! I used to always buy makeup wipes and this has saved me so much money. I just throw it in with the laundry and it’s perfect. I’ve been using it for over six months now and it hasn’t failed me at all, it’s worth the money!!" —Sharmin Rahman

    Get it from Amazon for $14+ (available in 13 styles).

    39. A mini steam iron you'll want on hand in case your SO surprises you with a reservation for the swankiest restaurant in town during what was supposed to be a ~laid back~ beach vacation. Don't worry, just get out the maxi you threw into your suitcase at the last minute, iron out those wrinkles, and hope they don't have a "no flip-flop" dress code. 

    the compact steam iron packed in a suitcase full of clothes

    Promising review: "The best travel item I have purchased this year! It irons so well. I took it on a trip to Germany a few weeks ago. I just placed a towel on the counter or on the bed, and it took minimal effort to iron out the creases. The steam works very well. I hardly had to use the max heat option because it’s pretty powerful. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who does business travel and are going to areas that don’t have irons available in the hotel rooms or for leisure travel as well. It doesn’t take up much room. It fits in the palm of my hand. I also had no problem getting through security in Germany, London, or the US."—Erica Kowsari

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (also available in packs of two or three).

    40. A 50-count set of laundry soap sheets, which really save the day when you realize that by being responsible and packing light, the shirt you've reworn three days in a row simply *reeks*. With these, you can hand wash your garments and avoid spending money on new ones or splurging on pricey hotel laundry services. 

    Promising review: "This came SO in handy during my vacation to Europe! I was making lots of different stops to places with different types of weather. With these laundry soap sheets I was able to wash my clothes in the sink — letting me pack just the right amount of clothes for all the different places I went." —Katie Fujarski

    Get a pack of 50 from Amazon for $7.19.

    41. A stick of Body Glide anti-chafing balm so you won't have to worry about dreaded thigh rashes while you're hiking in shorts or exploring a new city for hours in your favorite sundress. 

    A model applying the balm to their inner thigh
    Model applying it under a sports bra

    Emma: "I swear by this to the point where if I can't find it in the morning on a summer run, I just won't go out, LOLOL. My boobs chafe SO BADLY under my sports bra bands, no matter what kind I'm wearing, but putting on a tiny bit of this before I leave works like a charm. Absolutely no more friction and no more going "OW OW OW" in the shower because my literal boob wounds were stinging."

    Promising review: "I used this stuff on the Appalachian trail and it works amazing. Like marble on marble and instant relief. A must-have for any trail hiker." —Draco

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in three sizes, as well as packs of two). 

    42. And a Body Glide anti-blister foot balm, because there's nothing worse than feeling the new travel shoes you thought you'd already broken in start rubbing against your feet in the middle of the day. It's formulated with vitamins A and C, which help soften and soothe chapped feet, and if you apply it before you put your shoes on, it can proactively prevent painful raw skin. 

    A model applies the BodyGlide Foot Anti Blister Balm to the back of their ankle

    Promising review: "Saw this product in a TikTok review and thought to give it a go. I definitely say it causes new shoes to be less painful however if you apply a lot it can be a little transferable on shoes. Overall though I think this product is definitely worth it and it does make a difference with new shoe wear!" —Mich Elle

    Get it from Amazon for $9.

    43. A five-compartment snack spinner perfect for long road trips, since it'll keep young kids content while they play with their food! Plus, you'll breathe a sigh of relief knowing it's spill- and leak-proof, meaning no backseat messes.

    Reviewer spinning the container to reveal the snacks in each compartment
    reviewer photo of the snack spinner filled with things like skittles, pretzels, goldfish, and dried fruit

    Promising review: "I’m always looking for products to make life a little easier traveling with toddler twins. I ordered two of these for packing snacks for airplane travel. The product is durable, easy to take apart to clean, and fun for the kids to use. My 3-year-olds have no issues using the spinner or opening the door. I do wish the compartments were a little bigger (as it fits only three to four mini pretzels in one compartment, and if you do pack some food items too high it can get blocked trying to spin). But great for candy, cut-up strawberries or raspberries, raisins, goldfish crackers." —AK_TwinMom

    Get it from Amazon for $29.95+ (available in three colors).

    44. An iPhone adapter case that attaches to a keychain, because who here hasn't lost at least one of these tiny yet $$$ accessories on vacation? Honestly wish I'd had this brilliantly simple idea myself!

    Two of the black, flat, rounded triangular cases with a dongle-shaped slot, one of which is holding a dongle, clipped to a keyring
    CeeBee's Cases LLC / Etsy

    CeeBee's Cases LLC is the small, Chicago-based business behind this genius product.

    Promising review: "I love it. I’m always losing my cord or leaving it in my other jacket or pants pocket. Now, all I have to do is put it back on my keyring. Brilliant!!!" —Mel

    Get it from CeeBee's Cases LLC on Etsy for $16.

    45. A pair of compression socks for anyone who'd rather not find themselves starring in Honey, I Blew Up My Feet, thank you very much! Not only do they help reduce swelling, their moisture-wicking fabric will keep your feet from getting sweaty during long flights.

    before and after photos of a reviewer's foot looking very swollen before using the socks, and much less swollen after
    reviewer wearing the black and pink socks

    Promising review: "With three weeks of international travel coming up, I purchased these to combat swelling in my feet during the flights. I had noticed swelling after three-hour domestic flights, so I was worried about what almost 30,000 miles would do! I wore these on every leg of the trip and never noticed any swelling — even after the 10- to 15-hour flights. They are very comfortable, too!" —J. Beaty

    And check out our Physix Gear Sport compression socks deep dive for more info!

    Get them from Amazon for $9.53+ (available in sizes S–XXL and 13 styles).

    46. A collapsible water bottle that'll save precious room in your suitcase AND money, since it'll spare you from buying overpriced bottled H2O at the airport. Simply unroll it after you've gone through security and fill it up at a water fountain. 

    reviewer photo of the green water bottle, rolled up
    reviewer photo of the blue water bottle, filled up

    Plus, it's lead-, latex-, and BPA-free, dishwasher-safe, and can be used for hot or cold drinks.

    Promising review: "Well this is the coolest thing ever! I travel quite a bit, and I usually don't take a bottle with me because they are big and bulky and I usually lose them! This collapsible water bottle is a perfect traveling accessory. It stays collapsed until after security, and then I fill it up for the trip. It's a good size and fits in my side compartment in my travel backpack, and the cap screws in securely so I don't have to worry about it opening accidentally and spilling all over the place. I follow the instructions on how to clean it and it works just fine." —M. Lyons

    Get it from Amazon for $34.95 (available in eight colors).

    47. And a LifeStraw that removes 99.999999% of waterborne bacteria so adventurous explorers can stay hydrated — by drinking right from the lake! When your water bottle's empty and there are no drinking fountains in sight, this is a real lifesaver. 

    Model drinking out of blue tube directly from the river

    It works on up to 1,000 gallons of water before it needs to be replaced, and for each one purchased, a child in need receives safe drinking water for an entire school year. Note: If you’re immunocompromised, be sure to read all the package instructions to make sure it’s safe for you.

    Promising review: "I bought this item for a hiking/camping trip in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and did it work amazing! It is an advantage to carry this around with you instead of bottles of water or a hydration pack. I was not afraid at one second to stick this into a random creek we came across and start to drink. The initial drink was a little tough. (Just need to get the water through the filter) But I would rather it be like that, so I know that the filter is doing its job. After that, the rest of the sips were easy. Make sure you clean this according to the instructions after each use. Do not hesitate to purchase this product and use it in a water source when you are thirsty." —Gadde15

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in four colors, as well as packs of two, three, and five).

    48. A cheeky dirty laundry bag with an expandable design — it starts out small and compact for short trips, but also opens up to fit up to a week's worth of clothes. Now, your sweaty socks won't stink up your entire suitcase, and your clean garments will be protected from the scuffed-up ones. 

    pink zippered bag that says

    Promising review: "I love this bag for travel. It's the perfect size. Unlike so many travel laundry bags, this one is the perfect size for clothes and undies. So many are too small, like a lingerie bag, or too big, like a bag to take to the laundromat. This is cute and folds up into itself." —N. Newman

    Get it from Amazon for $15.

    49. A discreet lint roller, which looks more like a colorful tube of lipstick than a fuzz-removing device! Since it's retractable, just pop it out whenever your clothes could use a quick once-over rather than sheepishly walking around covered in...whatever that was on your plane seat. 😬

    reviewer holding the pink lint roller with the sticky part extended
    same reviewer holding the pink lint roller, but retracted and compact

    Promising review: "I love that this lint roller has a close option to prevent it from picking up everything in my bag and wasting papers. It's such a nice size that I keep one in my work bag and one in my travel bag and it doesn't take up any space!" —Kehad

    Get it from Amazon for $15.95+ (available in four colors). 

    50. And finally, a GORGEOUS set of Cadence containers for storing your pills, bath products, and any other small odds and ends. With these, you can rest assured you won't get any TSA side-eye for having large containers, and the ~genius~ magnetic design means you can cluster them together rather than rummaging through your bag until you find the one you're looking for.

    a set of six multicolored containers stacked in a pyramid
    overhead shot of six open containers holding things like pills, skincare products, and jewelry

    Cadence is an AAPI woman-owned small business that was founded by Steph Hon with the goal of eliminating single-use travel-sized plastics. The containers are made from recycled ocean-bound plastic. 

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Abby Kass is a fan: "I recently got a set of four of these, and, wow, I love them so much. I used them on a six-day trip recently, and they were perfect. I customized the label so I knew which one was my shampoo vs. conditioner and did a general label for any other things I wanted to bring along. They do hold a surprising amount. According to the brand, they hold approximately one to two weeks of skincare products, more than two weeks' worth of serum, two to three days' worth of haircare, and more than 15 tablets (for medicine and such). And while two to three days worth of haircare might not seem like enough, I found it held more than that for me, but I also don't wash my hair every single day. They were small enough to slip right into my toiletries bag and go through TSA with no problem. The container was easy to open in the shower (even with wet hands), and I had no leakage from them (like I did from my face wash bottle that will not be making the trip with me next time. SMH). These are an incredibly useful tool anyone who travels will want in their luggage."

    Get a set of six from Cadence for $76 (originally $84; available in many customizable labels and seven colors). 

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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    animated gift boxes and bags