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25 Smells That Will Take Every Aussie Kid Right Back To The '00s

Why am I suddenly craving fairy bread and overripe mangoes?

1. Fairy bread

2. Lip Smackers

3. Strawberry ChapStick

4. Magic Goo Ballon

5. Hama beads being ironed

6. Care Bears

7. Sharpies

8. Overripe mangoes

9. Zinc sunscreen sticks

10. Mobile library books

11. Chlorine

12. Impulse Tease

13. The school bus

14. Crayons

15. VapoRub

16. Foohy Scented Erasers

17. Flowering Jacaranda trees

18. Freshly-baked ANZAC biscuits

19. A new backpack

20. Hot bitumen in summer

21. Play-Doh

22. Old Spice

23. Cola lollies

24. Smiggle highlighters

25. Werther's caramels