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    (80s) - Dick Kickem II: A MLP G1 Action Trailer

    Imagine if Jean Claude Van Damme went back in time to stop ponies from taking over the world!

    Dick Kickem II: A MLP G1 Action Trailer (Starring Jean Claude Van Damme, Snoop Dogg, & Shia LeBeouf)

    View this video on YouTube / Via youtube

    This was a fever dream that became a reality. Was originally thought up as an idea if the VP of Hasbro storytelling Meghan McCarthy went back in time to the 80s and assumed the identity of Megan from G1 MLP. She takes over the world using magic brought back from the past, and forces everyone to buy Hasbro toys while ruling the world. Jean Claude (i.e. Dick Kickem) goes back in time to stop her & kill a few ponies along the way. This idea was both ridiculous & crazy but I wanted to see it come to life, so enjoy my pain!

    Credit to the Farcry Blood Dragon soundtrack

    and the ultra talented D.Notive

    for their amazing music!