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    11 Super Helpful Things We Tried And Loved (Plus 14 More We’re Dying To Test Out)

    In case you wanna make your day-to-day less of a struggle.

    1. A stick-on card holder you can put on the back of your phone for quick access to your IDs and credit cards. It's perfect for outings when you don't wanna lug around your entire wallet.

    a person holding a phone with the stick-on wallet on the back

    2. A lumbar support cushion that’ll give your spine the TLC it deserves. It'll be cheaper than splurging on a fancy office chair, while still being just as ✨ergonomic✨.

    An office chair with a lumbar support pillow on the back

    3. An electric heating pad that can help ease tension and horrible cramps when Mother Nature comes knockin'. It'll automatically shut off after two hours, so you won't have to worry about accidentally leaving it on.

    a person holding a heating pad up to their shoulder

    4. A pair of silicone face-scrubbing pads that'll gently massage all the gross stuff out of your skin. They're soft enough to use on your eye area, so you won't need to use any other cloth or cleansing pad to remove your makeup.

    brittany holding a silicone face scrubbing pad

    5. A pack of non-toxic Keurig cleaning cups that'll get rid of any gross residue in your coffee machine. Reviewers love how easy they are to use and say they were surprised by how much gunk they help to flush out.

    the keurig cleaning cups

    6. An extendable cleaning brush that'll help you scrub every inch of your shower, including the ceiling. Its double-sided, with bristles on one side and a squeegee on the other.

    7. A car trunk organizer that'll turn the back of your car seat into a tidy, multi-pocketed storage situation for all of your roadtrip essentials. Reviewers love that it helps keep things organized without taking up much precious cargo space.

    the organizer hung in the trunk of a car

    8. A pack of Korean exfoliating washcloths that'll help you buff away dirt and dead skin. Reviewers love that you can wear them like gloves, which makes 'em easier to hold when you're exfoliating harder-to-reach areas, like the backs of your legs.

    alice wearing the exfoliating washcloth like a glove

    9. A pack of pimple patches that'll suck the gunk out of your zits overnight. They'll significantly help their appearance and even speed up their healing process, too.

    10. A multipurpose broom that'll help extract all of that gnarly pet hair that's embedded *deep* within your rugs. Reviewers say it gets fur out of carpets like nothing else, and that it's perfect for anyone who doesn't like to lug out their vacuum every single day.

    11. A four-sided power bar that'll allow you to charge up to 16 devices simultaneously. It's equipped with surge-protecting technology, which means you won't have to worry about blowing a fuse (or ruining your tech).

    the power bar on a desk with 12 ac outlets and four usb outlets

    12. An Umbra dish rack that'll keep your plates in a row while they dry off. Reviewers love that it comes with several compartments, including an area for stemware so your finest wine glasses can dry in a safe place.

    the dish rack on a counter beside a sink

    13. A fabric shaver that'll give your favourite fall sweaters a total refresh. You can use this baby to get rid of pilling and lint on your couch and fabric furniture, too.

    brittany holding the fabric shaver in front of a jade plant

    14. A pair of blue light-blocking glasses if your brain likes to scream at you after you've spent hours staring at a screen. They can help reduce eye strain and irritation, and even save you from a gnarly headache, too.

    a person holding a pair of blue light blocking glasses

    15. A pack of handy cleaning wipes that'll give your old boots and sneakers a total refresh, so you can wait a little longer before buying a new pair. You can also use them to wipe down your leather jackets and handbags.

    16. A set of stackable counter shelves that'll create a little more prep space in your kitchen. You can toss 'em in your cupboards to help organize your pantry items, too.

    two mini shelves on a larger shelf organizing plates and food

    17. A nose hair trimmer because plucking is absolute torture and I refuse to suffer through it. Reviewers say it's way easier, faster, and a heck of a lot less terrifying than using a razor, too.

    brittany holding a nose hair trimmer

    18. A pack of bestselling washing machine cleaner tablets that'll get rid of soap scum and lingering debris. Reviewers say it's their go-to product for eliminating gross smells, mould, and mildew.

    a person about to put a tablet into a washing machine

    19. A silicone scalp massager you can use in the shower to help get all the dry shampoo junk out of your hair. It's also great for easing tension headaches, especially after a night of wearing a tight updo.

    20. A set of glass food storage containers if you're sick of the greasy, stained plastic ones you've had for way too long. Their lids snap shut, which will make 'em great for carrying your lunch to work (without worrying about spills).

    food storage containers filled with food on a counter

    21. An adhesive broom holder that'll keep your sweeper out of the way. I prefer it over a full-on hanging rack because it's more discreet — and I just don't have six brooms that need hanging.

    a broom stick hanging from the adhesive holder

    22. A makeup brush set if you're over using your fingers to apply your concealers, blushes, and eye shadows. It even comes with a brush cleansing pad you can use to keep 'em in tip-top shape.

    make up brushes on a satiny surface

    23. A box of extra-large Bounce sheets that'll keep your laundry from getting wrinkled in the dryer. Reviewers say they help get pet hair off clothes, too.

    a large bounce sheet next to its packaging on a wood surface

    24. A paper towel holder that comes with an adhesive strip, so you won't have to drill holes into your wall to mount it. You can screw it in if you want to, but it'll stick just as well without having to break out the tool box.

    a paper towel roll on a paper towel holder

    25. And finally, a car phone holder if using GPS is an absolute must when you're driving. It'll help you navigate and keep your phone from falling onto the floor of your car while you're en route.

    a phone in the phone holder

    Because we could all use a little help from time to time.

    Looking for more great 🇨🇦Canadian🇨🇦 shopping content? Check out our recommendations for handy tech products, practical things from Amazon Canada, and killer cleaning supplies from Amazon Canada.