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These 27 Amazon Cleaning Products Actually Work (And We Have The Receipts To Prove It)

The proof is in the pudding (the pudding, in this case, = these photos).

Before you start shopping, a reminder that summer is here and with it = Amazon Prime Day. You need to be a member to take advantage of all the deals, so sign up here!

To see our coverage of all the best Prime Day deals, come back to BuzzFeed Shopping on July 11th and 12th 🛍️

1. A borderline magical carpet spot remover capable of getting rid of all kinds of stains, accidents, and messes with just a couple of sprays.

red salsa all over carpeted stairs
the same stairs now stain and salsa free

Promising review: “There are products that you love and buy again. And then there are products that you love and can’t live without. And then above that, are a few select products that you revere and hold with the highest honor. Folex is that product. I have used Folex for years and it works wonders on everything from spilt coffee, wine, and dog messes, without any chemical smells or residue. But my love for Folex grew so much deeper when I dropped a 32 ounce jar of salsa down the stairs. My husband took one look and declared that the stairs were ruined and would need to be replaced. I took a look, grabbed the Folex and said, 'We’ve got this.' If you have children, pets or are very clumsy with your canned goods, you need this bulk-size jug in your arsenal of cleaning supplies.” —Carobnty

Price: $6.65+ (also available in multi-packs)

2. A very impressive grout cleaner with the power to make your tile floors look sparkly and new (even after years and years of buildup).

Apply it to grout lines, let it sit for 5–10 minutes, and agitate the grout with a bristled brush to lift all the nasty gunk that's been there for way too long.

Promising review: "This stuff is seriously amazing. This is the one and only product review I have ever written, just because I'm so impressed with this stuff. Getting our house ready to sell and decided I needed to finally clean our filthy kitchen grout. This just lifted the grime away, took almost no scrubbing and no elbow grease. Totally worth the twenty bucks a bottle." —James David Lambert

Price: $21.95 (also available with brushes)

3. A popular Bissell Little Green machine that's super easy to use and works on carpets, fabrics, and upholstery to get rid of the most stubborn stains.

a tan suede recliner covered in dark black stains
the same recliner with all the stains removed and the fabric looks clean again

Promising review: "Two months ago we got an 6-month-old puppy who has needed some time to get adjusted. That included more than a few accidents in our living room and on his bed. This machine has made clean up of everything so much simpler and I love that it's deep cleaning and has a nontoxic pet cleaner so that our not-so-little puppy can isn't harmed through exposure or smells. Also helpful since my teenage sons like to camp out on the couch with their friends on long weekends and our couch gets that fresh clean smell in an hour." —Kindle Customer

Price: $123.59

4. TikTok famous The Pink Stuff cleaning paste for ridding your sink, stove, tiles, tub, and more of any slightly questionable stains and messes.

Promising review: "Saw this product on TikTok and wanted to try this out for myself, as I was selling my home and needed to deep clean it. I don’t know what kind of miracle paste this is but it works amazing!! It made everything I wiped down with it sparkle and even made the inside of my old stove look brand new! Has definitely become a staple in my home for cleaning!" —Kelly ODonnell

Price: $5.97

5. A super effective pumice stone capable of tackling any stubborn grossness (including mineral deposits and limescale) living rent free in your toilet bowl.

on left, picture of half toilet bowl covered in iron stains and the other half clean after using a pumice stone
on right, another toilet bowl with yellow stains slowly disappearing after using gray pumice stone next to it

These pumice stones can also be used to clean other surfaces, like ceramic tile, concrete, and porcelain, around your home!

Promising review: "I can’t even tell you how much I love this product. I was so embarrassed of out toilet and bathtub in our guest bathroom. Our water is so full of iron, you can’t even drink it, so it stained everything it touched. It took a little bit of elbow grease but this is the only thing I have found that will take the staining off! I will recommend to anyone I know!" —MorganeC.

Price: $8

6. A cooktop-cleaning kit complete with a bottle of cleaner, scraper, and cleaning pad so you can finally do away with the burned food that's been hanging out on your stovetop for a week (or two).

Before and after of reviewer's crusted stovetop looking shiny and clean thanks to the cleaner
Another burner on the same reviewer's stove that had burned on food bits that were totally removed with the cleaner

Use this trio on a variety of smooth cooktop ranges, including ceramic, glass, halogen, and more!

Promising review: "I had tried four different cleaners before discovering this one and I wish I would have found it sooner! All of that caked-on liquid that runs out of the pans and burns into the stove top while you’re cooking?? This removes all of it. It doesn’t scratch your glass-top stove top and it leaves it looking brand new. I won’t ever buy another cleaner — this is it for me!" —Christine

Price: $14.68

7. pet hair remover you'll soon not know how you lived without. This little tool has to ability to pick up actual clumps of fur with a quick swipe.

Promising review: "Holy cow this is magic. I have a 230-pound mastiff. I have purchased any and everything claiming to get dog hair off car carpet. I have used at least three different vacuums and attachments. Lately I have been using a microfiber towel because it had some grip. Then this piece of magic arrived. It gets every single hair no matter how embedded. There were hairs I had a hard time removing with my fingers. The Fur-Zoff pulled them right out. This has cut my hair removal time in half! Thank you for this savior of a tool." —David R.

Price: $10.77

8. And a squeegee broom for anyone who often finds a disconcerting amount of their hair around their home – or their pet's fur. Either way, this tool will pick up any deeply embedded debris from carpets, rugs, and hardwood floors with practically zero effort.

BuzzFeed editor holding broom with black silicone bristles
BuzzFeed editor holding up clump of gross hair
Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed editor Emma Lord owns this squeegee broom and said: "An embarrassing confession: I do not have a pet, but I shed like nobody's business. My hair gets so ingrained in the carpet that a vacuum truly does nothing for it, so I often was just unrooting clumps of hair from the floor with my hands (sorry for the visual). I bought this broom and it immediately started pulling it up GOBS of hair. My carpet like, genuinely changed color (turns out the pink was supposed to be much pinker, whoops). Anyway, do with that semi-horrifying information what you will — you can read my full review of the pet hair broom for more deets."

Price: $16.99

9. dryer vent cleaning kit because, unfortunately, that does need to be cleaned. Its hose sucks up debris from deep down inside your dryer vent and other hard-to-reach crevices to help keep your dryer running smoothly and reduce the risk of fire. 

This kit comes with a vacuum hose attachment and flexible lint brush to help give your dryer vent a deep clean!

Promising review: “Okay, LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS HOSE. My dryer was like one cycle away from catching fire, and my vacuum’s skinny hose nozzle was too short to get into my dryer vent because the nozzle widens after 6 inches. So when I saw this product go on sale I bought it and it came the next day. It came in two or three pieces that fit into each other and go over the vacuum hose. It was SO SATISFYING to watch the big clumps come out of the dryer vent! I mean my dryer was nasty. Look at the pictures. I have a German shepherd and a pit bull, so our laundry is always full of nastiness. Well, this little hose got it all and it looks brand new in there. The big clumps were hard to get through the hose at first until I realized I could pinch the opening of the hose to make it circular, which allowed the clumps to fly through. Even the sound was satisfying. I will be vacuuming under my fridge next. No dying in a fire for me.” —Bee92

 Price: $11.99 (available in five colors)

10. A Wet & Forget shower cleaner if you prefer to not spend your entire day scrubbing your bathroom and would rather just spray this cleaner onto your shower floor and watch the grime rinse away the next day.

on left: shower tiles with lots of grime
on right, same shower tiles with less grime after three Wet & Forget treatments

Promising review: "I have been having shower draining issues so there was a build up of soap scum in my shower. I have a very weak stomach and cleaning the shower makes me physically ill. I have tried several products that have claimed to be no scrub/wipe but this has been the only one that has worked. I sprayed it after my shower and left it to sit until the next night. Found that A LOT of the grime had disappeared. Now, was it perfect? No. But I think with consistent use it will get there. Highly recommend this product." —KZ

Price: $19.98+ (available in two sizes, two scents, and also in multi-packs)

11. A phosphate-free red wine stain remover ideal for anyone who has ever accidentally spilled some vino onto their fav white blanket. A spritz of this will get the job done – no bleach involved!

on left, white wine-stained faux fur blanket
on right, same blanket with little-to-no wine stain after using the wine stain remover spray

This cleaner can also be used on coffee stains, sauce stains, and ink stains!

Promising review: "Totally impressed! The unassuming generic packaging and label left me a bit skeptical, but this stuff is almost as exciting as the wine I spilled! This Cabernet stain sat on my ivory faux fur blanket (see above) for over a month before I tried this product. Completely gone in one try! Get this. Seriously. You won’t be disappointed." —Persian Tess

Price: $9.55

12. An easy-to-use FlexiSnake Drain Millipede that'll latch onto any hair, dirt, gunk, or anything else that might be clogging your sink's drain and remove it in the most satisfyingly horrific way. 

Reviewer shows gross hair and gunk lifted out of drain by yellow FlexiSnake Drain Millipede
Reviewer shows hair and debris lifted out of bathroom sink by FlexiSnake Drain Millipede

Promising review: "It immediately latched onto the hair clogging my drain like some kind of an alien extraterrestrial creature. I was disgusted and amused at the same time. I tried it on my other drains and it worked well. This thing is incredible for removing hair In your drain." —Meghan

Price: $9.99

13. A spray-on cleaning gel requiring zero scrubbing for anyone who doesn't want to touch the rust in their bathroom but wants it gone, like, yesterday.

on left, hand holds Iron Out spray bottle in front of shower wall with orange and white streaks from the stain-removing formula
on right, same shower without orange rust stains after using the Iron Out spray

Promising review: "Moved into our first home which had some rough problems to tackle due to years and years of hard water and rust. One problem in particular was the forever stained shower. I tried several different products with no or very little success. In fact by the time I picked this stuff up I was pretty skeptical that anything would help our situation. When I bought it (first time in spray form) I actually sprayed two passive streaks on the shower wall and immediately walked out. A few hours passed and I went to go to the bathroom and was absolutely floored to find, no kidding, two very white streaks where the spray had been. I’ve uploaded the before and after photos of the shower as proof (see them above!). Since, I’ve used both spray and powder forms for many cleaning tasks." —Sarah K. 

Price: $16.17

14. Some versatile orange cleaning putty ideal for hard-to-reach crevices in your car, keyboard, or wherever rogue crumbs could end up. Eating while working? Yeah, get in there. 

Model using putty to clean keyboard
GIF of TikTok reviewer using the cleaning putty to clean dust from car vents

Check it out on TikTok here.

Promising review: "This product does exactly what it says it does. I recently got a new car and was looking for something to easily put I up dust. I saw this product from TikTok. I was surprised at how easily it picks up dust and small debris, especially from inside of vents and cup holders. It’s also great for the though screen in my car! The only complaint is the very artificial smell when you use it. It doesn’t last, just when it’s out of the container!" —Loren

Price: $6.99

15. A bottle of cleaning solution to use with a carpet-cleaning machine boasting truly impressive before-and-after photos. Not only will it lift deep, stubborn stains, but it'll also make the place smell ahh-mazing. 

This carpet-cleaning solution works with multiple cleaning machine brands including Bissell, Carpet Express, Hoover, Kenmore, and Rug Doctor. It can also be used to clean other surfaces, including car upholstery and home furniture.

Oh and if you need a carpet-cleaning machine, you can get a reviewer-loved one from Amazon for $113.29

Promising review: "This works like a dream. I have light-beige carpets, and this gets all the dirt and stains right out." —Karen M.

Price: $19.99

16. A wood-cleaning polish designed to revitalize your hardwood floors with its wax- and oil-infused protective coating because you love your friends but sometimes they don't use coasters. Save your tables and your friendships. 

Reviewers have also used this polish on other wood surfaces, including kitchen cabinets, dining tables, and antique furniture!

Promising review: "This product is worth every penny and goes a very long way. We had tired oak floors that haven’t been refinished in over 50 years. They were dried out and washed out. This product took away decades in an hour with a few rags and a lot of elbow grease. One word of caution: Floors are very slippery for a few days after use. Be very careful walking around. As a bonus, it smells amazing. It has a natural orange peel smell that is fresh and clean and not at all harsh or chemical. Highly, highly recommend." —GMD

Price: $9.86

17. A budget-friendly blinds duster with washable microfiber sleeves to easily remove any unsightly dust sitting on your blinds (especially the kind that makes a special appearance when the sun shines right through).

hand holds blue blinds duster to clean dusty blinds on window
same blinds duster covered in dust

Note: This isn't recommended for large blinds or straight blinds, so for those you may want to try a bigger duster, such as this fluffy microfiber one

Promising review: "I'll be honest, I ordered this because of the price. After reviewing several other options and having been disappointed with previous dusters I've had, I figured why spend more money on something that isn't going to work? So I ordered the least expensive option, but wow does this little tool rock! It's very easy to use and clean. It does a fantastic job of cleaning and dusting the blinds and gets *all* of the crud off of them. My blinds haven't been this clean since the day they were first installed. Very happy with purchase." —Amazon Shopper

Price: $6.99+ (available in two colors)

18. Some Goo Gone, which any parent to little ones will appreciate. Say goodbye to crayon marks, sticker labels, gum, and other miscellaneous sticky surfaces all over the house!

reviewer image of a wall before with lots of small adhesive dots on it
reviewer image after using the product of the same wall without any adhesive marks

The only surfaces it doesn't work on? Silk, leather, suede, or rubber! Oh, and it's EXCELLENT for cleaning up that sticky, gross dust that accumulates around your kitchen.

Promising review: "I bought this to help get some sticky junk left from Velcro on my motorcycle. I had tried rubbing alcohol and other tricks before using this stuff. Let me just say what a difference this stuff makes. All the sticky junk just wipes away on the first try. I didn’t need to soak it or anything. No residue was left behind at all and no damage to the paint. Best $8 I ever spent!" —WiggleButtRealReviews

Price: $8.20

19. A hard water stain remover with the power to totally transform your shower door or anywhere else hard water or soap scum has left its mark.

Grimy sliding shower door with lots of water stains on surface
same shower door with clearer surface after using the hard water stain remover above

Promising review: "AMAZING! With only a little pressure I was able to remove years of hard water stains on our showers and baths. Worked in glass, fixtures and porcelain. I only had to use a drill brush on one area that was the absolute worst, but for everything else it was a dry cloth followed by wet then a final dry. Glass doors panels on the shower look brand new. We be never had a product work as advertised so well, and as easily, as this one did. THANK YOU!" —Mustbbryan

Price: $19.99+ (available in two sizes)

20. Some reusable microfiber glass-cleaning cloths that'll instantly turn smudged, foggy-looking glass into something you'll actually love to look at (with minimal effort).

Dirty light fixture with three bulbs
Dirty light fixture with three bulbs

Promising review: "If you have any glass light fixtures in your home you absolutely need this product. I don't think the fixture was this clear even when I bought it — and the best part is I just used water and the two rags. 🙌🏻" —Lisa Collins

Price: $18.98

21. Dishwasher-cleaning tablets to kick leftover gunk, grease, and buildup living in your dishwasher to the curb (even the stuff hiding in crevices). The thing that cleans your dishes should...probably be clean itself. 

reviewer photo showing their dishwasher completely covered in grime
same reviewer showing their dishwasher looking brand new after using the cleaning tablets

Promising review: "We moved into our house in late January and the previous owners were lazy. Upon opening the dishwasher you got hit with a 'yuck' smell. I tried a measuring cup filled with white vinegar, it helped, but the smell was still there. I saw these on a BuzzFeed list. I ordered and threw one in our dishwasher without any dishes and ran it. The smell is gone!!! I haven't noticed a difference in dish cleanliness yet but simply because I haven't ran it since. These are a great, inexpensive and easy way to clean your dishwasher for sure." —Amazon Customer

Price: $8.95

22. An all-purpose power scrubber cleaning kit complete with three brushes to attach to a cordless drill and have your bathroom, kitchen, or wherever you use it look like grime and gunk have never even set foot in there.

These Drill Brush attachments work great for baseboards, gutters, counters, and more hard-to-clean surfaces at home.

Promising review: "I'm not a lazy person normally, but when it comes to cleaning my bathroom, I can find just about any reason you could think off to do it another time. It got so bad that I went on Amazon looking specifically for a power scrubber. I received this kit and immediately got the cordless drill out. Think power waxing but in the bathroom!" —DJ

Price: $15.29+ (available in six colors and stiffness levels)

23. A robot vacuum cleaner to help pick up the slack around the house so you can finally enjoy a much-needed Netflix day without worrying about needing to sweep your floors (again).

reviewer sits on couch while Roomba robot vacuum cleans their floor
hand holds interior compartment of the robot vacuum with lots of fur inside

This iRobot Roomba 694 robot vacuum comes with a charging station and additional filter. Notable features include advanced sensors that'll carefully navigate it around furniture, a three-stage cleaning system for upholstery and hardwood floors, and it syncs with an app that'll let you schedule cleaning times.

Promising review: "I have a husky and I’m sure you can only imagine the hair that is floating around my apartment. I love this thing and wish I would have gotten one earlier. It is perfectly low maintenance and gets the job done. So happy that I don’t have to be vacuuming everyday." —Carissa Doyle

Price: $214.99+ (also available with a virtual wall barrier)

24. Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover spray you can count on to provide a serious deep clean wherever you apply it. It's capable of killing 99.9% of mold and mildew — no scrubbing necessary.

A before photo of a reviewer's grimy tile
The tile looking cleaner with the text

Promising review: "I live in an older apartment complex with the original tile and caulking in the bathroom and I’ve been battling mold in the bathroom since day one. However, I haven’t been able to get the dark color from mold out of the shower caulking until I used this Tilex! I’ve used every product and nothing has worked until now! I’ll definitely buy again and keep on hand at all times for my mold cleaning issues! Great product!" —Amazon Customer

Price: $15.99+ (available in three sizes and multi-packs)

25. A leather cleaner to make your couches, chairs, or other leather goods look like you *just* brought them home from the store. All you have to do is mix it with 23 ounces of water, wipe away any grossness, and voila!

A reviewer showing white leather chairs that look darker and slightly brown on one side but brighter and cleaner on the side that was cleaned with the product
The same reviewer showing a close-up section of half the couch looking dirty and the other half looking brighter and cleaner

It also works great on other leather surfaces, including car seats, sneakers, and upholstery.

Promising review: "I am so glad I read the reviews here! This is an excellent product. We scored some leather chairs for a great price. The cleaner was very easy to use. It's a concentrate and you mix a small amount with water, spray on and wipe off. Easy peasy. I used this before the conditioner. The conditioner is a bit sticky at first, but you get used to it and the leather soaks it up! Beautiful result!! The chairs look and feel great!" —Julie Schneblin

Price: $16.99+ (available in three sizes)

26. A tried-and-true odor-eliminating spray with the borderline-magical ability to make your carpets, furniture, and flooring look like they've never even seen a stain.

a before and after of a carpet that was covered in all sorts of urine stains, with the after photo looking super clean with zero stains left
the bottle sitting on a sofa with the words

Promising review: "I honestly have no idea how we managed without this product before. We’ve tried most everything, from carpet cleaners to products that just cover scent. Nothing truly worked or lasted to get the cat urine odor out of our carpets. We were at our wit’s end when it began to happen in our own room — one corner of the room has become nearly unbearable. We didn’t even want to enter our own room. I purchased this product as a Hail Mary, hoping the positive reviews were true. THEY ALL UNDERSTATED THIS PRODUCT!! My fiancé followed the instructions down to the T and the smell is COMPLETELY GONE. Not even the slightest hint of urine anymore. I admit, I’m more of a citrus/floral girl for smells so this more minty scent isn’t my style, but the fragrance doesn’t linger too long. But what remains is a completely neutralized smell. In addition, the carpet seems generally cleaner. I am so grateful to this product." —Amazon Customer

Price: $19.97+ (available in two sizes) 

27. And a foaming garbage disposal cleaner, which is super easy to use while being seriously effective. All you have to do is toss it in your sink, turn on the water, and ta-da! Tons of fizz to break up any gunk hiding in the disposal.

blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

Price: $10.67

The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.