

Hi! I'm Brittiny, but I go by Bri. I'm 22. I'm a mother to an amazing little boy, Anakin. He amazes me more and more everyday. He was brought in to my life October 9, 2009. Happiest day of my life! No doubt. He's my world. Let's see, what else? I have a mouth like a sailor, meaning I cuss like there's no tomorrow, bitch. I can be the biggest sweet heart or the biggest bitch, all depending on how you treat me. I have a tendency of letting people walk all over me, and then snapping. Bad habit, I know. I'm working on it. I'm bipolar, as well. Yay me, right? XD I come from a really fucked up background, so I have some major trust issues, but I'm trying to get over them. It's hard, but so is life! I don't smoke, or do drugs, but I do drink on occasion. I'm a pretty big nerd. I'm addicted to Star Wars, and Transformers. I love the Big Bang Theory, I wish I had my own little group of nerds. That would be fucking amazing. Um, what else? Oh, I'm a gamer. Yes, you read that right. I love my 360, and would cry if it broke. No joke. I bawled when my controller broke. I'm a tom boy. Yeah. I would live in my board shorts if I could. No joke. I love tattoos and peircings. So far I have two tattoos and a few peircings. I'm working on getting more! I consider myself a friendly person, but I wish I was a bit more outgoing. When you first meet me, I am really shy, but once you get to know me, I come out of my shell. But, on the flip side, I am known to hold a grudge for a long time and not want to have anything to do with you should you do me wrong. I tend to give everyone a chance, but it's very hard for me to trust people. If I say I trust you, feel loved. It means you are. Want to know more? Ask, silly!

Jan 2011
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