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    7 Futuristic Movie Gadgets That Actually Exist Today

    The techno-gadget-freak's homage to the brilliant screenwriters who inspired some ultra-cool devices that we can actually use today.

    Science fiction, spy thrillers and fantasy movies fascinate us not just for their offbeat storylines, but also for their awesome gadgetry. Which kid has not drooled over cars that fly or wristwatches that shoot bullets or little gadgets that wipe off people's memory with just a twist?

    While most of the futuristic thingamajigs that we saw in movies and television as children, were pretty much only plausible on screen; there's a bunch of super cool contraptions that transitioned from the silver screen into real life.

    1. Movie Version - Hoverboard (Back to the Future II & III)

    The Real Thing - Mag Lev Trains

    2. Movie Version - Digital Monocular Camera (Golden Eye)

    The Real thing - Google Glass

    3. Movie Version - The Replicator (Star Trek)

    The Real Thing - 3D Printing

    4. Movie Version - Ericsson Mobile Phone with Finger print scanner, car locking system, stun gun (Tomorrow Never Dies)

    The Real Thing - Smartphones with fingerprint recognition, car security apps, stun gun apps

    5. Movie Version - Seiko TV Wristwatch (Octopussy)

    The Real Thing - Samsung Galaxy Gear

    6. Movie Version - Invisible Car (Die Another Day)

    The Real Thing - Mercedes Invisible Car

    7. Movie Version - Remote Controlled BMW (Tomorrow Never Dies)

    The Real Thing - Google Driverless Cars

    What’s Next?

    Hollywood and its creativity has definitely kept real world inventors busy. From aping stuff we see on screen to going one step beyond the imaginary, we are living in exciting times for science and technology. The years to come will probably see stuff like biometric guns to improve gun safety in civilian communities, real life jet packs similar to the ones seen a million times on screen or even robots with artificial intelligence at par with the human brain, like the ones we saw in the movie 'She'.

    What can I say but "Great times up ahead folks!"