
Brian M.

I am a student at Boise State studying English with a writing and teaching emphasis and Marketing (a terribly soulless profession in most respects). I like to consider myself a writer, although I have yet to turn myself into the truly dedicated soul that I know I need to be to succeed in this chosen path. Politically, I'm largely a Libertarian with socially progressive views. I also find much of what the Republican party stood for long, long ago to be very worthwhile. Spiritually, I have through many varied experiences reached a point at which I identify myself as an Atheist, but that by no means indicates I think *the answer* is that there isn't a God because, if we're honest with ourselves, we don't really know for sure. None of us. That's the point of faith, after all... That said, I think that if you have an authentic faith that helps and inspires you in your life and you don't use it in evil ways, that's a wonderful thing. I love to read, I love all aspects of food and food culture, I feel that just about anything you can buy at a restaurant you can make better at home with a little effort, and have somewhat dormant coffee fetish. I'm single by choice, but the main reason I'm even active on Facebook is to connect with as many people as I possibly can in meaningful ways. Our world is too fractured, and it's getting worse. It's time to reverse that trend. I'm an extremely open person, so if there's anything you're dying to know, I'm dying to let you know. ..and since there's no spot for heroes in this thing, and since I feel like it... my father, and Heather Badke.

Dec 2009
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