22 Truly, Truly Hilarious Twitter Reactions To People Losing Blue Verification Checkmarks

    The great Elon Snap has come, and people are here for it.

    The day has finally come. Elon Musk’s Twitter has begun purging blue check marks off legacy verified users who don't pay for the subscription for it.

    Now, if you don't use Twitter and don't know what that is, essentially — long, long before Elon bought the company — Twitter would give blue checkmarks to celebrities, journalists, companies, notable people, etc., as a way to verify/confirm their account to other Twitter users and let them know that it was really them. The checkmark was also free.

    After Elon took over, he looked at ways to make the company more profitable (I am not even going to get into all of it here), and one way was to sell the blue checkmarks — essentially making it so any account can get one. This, of course, made many legacy verified users wonder what type of value there is in paying for a checkmark that anyone can get.

    And today, after several threats that he would remove the blue checkmark from non-paying users, the great Elon Snap happened and everyone is losing their verification mark. TBH, Twitter users are actually celebrating this. So, I rounded up some funny tweets about this whole snafu:

    Also, be sure to like and follow these Twitter users!


    Now I’m nervous the blue check mark won’t go away

    Twitter: @AndyRichter


    Me counting all the celebrities who’ve lost their blue check mark

    Twitter: @jonathansiris


    Bravo / Via Twitter: @evanrosskatz


    Liza Minnellli has outlived the @LizaOutlives blue check mark. Twitter mercilessly purged them from users who did not sign up for its subscription service.

    Twitter: @LiZaOutlives


    ..... annnnd there's goes my blue check mark, goodbye .... I'm no longer me, I'm just an imposter, a hollow sham of who I used to be ..... *sob*

    Twitter: @grantkirkhope


    They make take away my Blue Check Mark, but they’ll never take away my IMDb credits!

    Twitter: @MickGarrisPM


    damn. rip my blue check mark. u got me laid at least one time, gone but never forgotten <\3

    Twitter: @holy_schnitt


    Go to hell blue check mark. Respectfully.

    Twitter: @ReneePaquette


    You keep your #bluecheckmark, @Twitter, we'll keep our Fresh-Baked Bread 😉

    Twitter: @texasroadhouse


    I don’t need a #BlueCheckMark to confirm that my life is a hot mess

    Twitter: @David_Leavitt


    Seeing who didn't make it through the #BlueCheckMark Snap...

    Marvel / Via Twitter: @getFANDOM


    keeping all those suffering with loss of blue check mark in my prayers during this difficult time😞🙏🏻

    Twitter: @wwwdotjondotcom


    Cartoon Network / Via Twitter: @halleberry


    @Pontifex / Via Twitter: @timjhogan


    Feeling totally validated that Beyoncé chose to stay blue check-free like the rest of us #BlueCheckMark

    @Beyonce / Via Twitter: @BlackGirlNerds


    Looks like me and @Beyonce both have no #BlueCheckMark so we got that going for us

    Sony Music / Via Twitter: @shanselman


    “Is the blue check mark in the room with us right now?”

    Twitter: @temurdur


    Having never had a blue check mark, I feel a bit like someone wearing shoes that have suddenly become fashionable again.

    Twitter: @BettyBowers


    Universal Television / Via Twitter: @CommunityTV


    No more blue check mark, but at least my space ship didn’t explode this morning

    Twitter: @ChrisRyan_NJ


    Lionsgate / Via Twitter: @TevinJC


    Twitter: @jga41agher