22 Tweets About Things Kids Today Would Never Understand That Are Equal Parts Too Real And Nostalgic

    You just had to be there.

    1. Just how much of a status symbol the Razr was:

    #TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow how cool it made you feel to own this phone

    Twitter: @lexinivens

    2. Tuning in to Radio Disney and hoping to hear your favorite songs:

    Today’s kids will never understand the agony of tuning in to the staticy AM 1110 Radio Disney wanting to hear “So Yesterday” but being hit with “Kung Fu Fighting” instead

    Twitter: @cosmichero__

    3. Bob Barker as the host of The Price Is Right:

    @familyfooddude The one that got through my sick days in school and vacations. Today’s kids will never understand the legendary version of the show with Bob Barker.

    Twitter: @iamstrongstyle

    4. How much Steve Irwin taught us about nature:

    Today's kids will never understand how much we all universally loved The Crocodile Hunter.

    Twitter: @businessraptor

    5. Skipping 53 songs before getting to one you wanted to hear on your iPod Shuffle:

    Thinking about how I had one of these and just had to skip until I found the song I wanted...today’s kids will never understand

    Twitter: @MaryDyche2

    6. That PictoChat was the original group chat:

    Today’s kids will never understand how lit field trips were when the whole bus was on pictochat on their Nintendo DS’

    Twitter: @Bhoffman_3

    7. The deliciousness that was Trix Yogurt:

    Today’s kids will never understand how amazing these were...

    Twitter: @AubNics

    8. The golden age of reality TV:

    #TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow the old vh1 & mtv.

    Twitter: @_candaceyanna

    9. The golden age of the Disney Channel (1999–2009):

    Today’s kids will never understand our era of Disney Chanel shows and Disney channel movies

    Twitter: @JadoreSiwoh

    10. And the real "Most Ambitious Crossover Event In History":

    🥲 today’s kids will never understand how big of a moment this was https://t.co/kh9IsrJmwe

    Twitter: @_pgminnieeee

    11. Reading the same damn box of cereal every morning:

    Today’s kids will never understand how the back of the cereal box was entertainment while eating😂💯 Not a phone.

    Twitter: @Dior__Santana

    12. The issues that came with using dial-up:

    Today’s kids will never understand getting in trouble because you were on the internet and your parents were expecting a call

    Twitter: @NyarAbabala

    13. The thought that went into making a mix CD:

    Today's kids will never understand https://t.co/yDbQRUohSe

    Twitter: @AmboGodson

    14. This video that is still scarier than all the horror released today:

    #todayskidswillneverknow the first ever cause of our heart attacks

    Twitter: @dumbbihhour

    15. The reason why your family's computer really broke:

    #TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow how many viruses you had to go through before downloading the right song.

    Twitter: @Phil_Lewis_

    16. And this infuriating and sneaky bait-and-switch:

    Kids today will never know the feeling of waiting 3 day for a song you have been desperately searching for to download only to find out it is some indie artist trying to game the system

    Twitter: @weflf

    17. What a stressful choice this really was:

    #TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow the hard choices you had to make

    Twitter: @FAR11AAN

    18. The fear of having to go up and write on a projector:

    #TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow the struggles of having a real projector

    Twitter: @WarrenMetcalf

    19. Having to know HTML:

    #TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow Becoming randomly literate at HTML because of all the times you've fucked around with your MySpace layout. <br /><br />

    Twitter: @wongisrite

    20. Getting issued a textbook that once belonged to your older siblings or friend:

    Today’s kids will never understand how big of a flex it was to know someone whose name was here⬇️

    Twitter: @PhillyWRLD

    21. This international sign for "movie time":

    #TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow the feeling of walking into a classroom and seeing this 😂

    Twitter: @babyak_josh

    22. And lastly, the art form of writing away messages:

    RIP AIM. Today's kids will never understand the struggle of writing the perfect away message. #RIPaim

    Twitter: @iamphyllis