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17 Things That Are Immediate Red Flags If People See Them In Someone's Home

A mattress on the floor with no sheets = big red flags.

I think all of us at some point or another have stepped into someone's house and seen something that made us think, YIKES! And it doesn't always have to be something huge either; for example, it can be going to the bathroom at someone's house and noticing that their toilet paper and (paper) towels to dry your hands are clearly stolen from public restrooms or their work (true story) when they more than have the means to buy their own.

A man making a cringey face

And recently, Reddit user Surfing_chick248 was curious about those "yikes!" moments when they asked: "What is a red flag to see in someone's home?"

A hand holding up a red flag

Needless to say, the thread got lots and lots of responses. While there were a ton of jokey ones, there were also a lot of comments that truly screamed "red flag!" Below are the top and best answers:

1. "Pets that are not cared for properly."

A cat in a litter box

2. "No hand soap in the bathroom."

An X over a hand using a soap dispenser

3. "Trash piled beyond the trash can, taking over the cooking/eating surfaces."

Trash all over a kitchen sink

4. "The outside garbage bins in the living room."

A garbage bin

5. "'Sorry, I had no time to clean before your visit!' when the place has obviously not been cleaned in, like, a year. Yikes."

A dirty living room

6. "MLM inventory for their 'business' or they buy a lot of MLM stuff. Minus a normal amount of Tupperware."

Boxes all over someone's living room

7. "I would imagine anybody who has old uncovered food lying around. Anybody who is willing to leave old uneaten food uncovered in their home screams unsanitary."

A woman holding food and holding her nose

8. "No books. I dated a guy that laughed at me for buying a bookshelf because 'who the f**k reads books?'"


"No books is fine. I read, like, 99% of my books digitally. But his reaction to your question is a red flag for sure."


9. "Expensive PC and everything else in their home is broken and rundown."

An old, damaged couch

10. "Not having pillow cases on the bed. You know those sheets and blankets are filthy then."

A pillow

11. "When it's extremely messy. I can understand a moderate amount of disorganization, but when I have to jump over piles of dirty clothes and trash, that's when I know I need to leave."

A messy bedroom

12. "Nothing on the walls."

A blank wall

13. "Dirty toilet. I get that someone's house can't always be immaculate, but if I see grime in the toilet, gross, that is a total red flag!!! Especially if you invited me over and still didn't clean your toilet. My son played sports with a boy who I would give rides home to a lot. One time I couldn't wait to get home to pee and asked to use her restroom. It was so bad I didn't go and just waited till I drove across town to get home. 😫"

A toilet

14. "When invited over for dinner, I do not want to see their cat roaming the kitchen counter."

A cat walking on the stove

15. "I don't know if it counts as 'see,' but family members yelling/fighting while I'm there. Like, what's happening when you DON'T have a guest over???"

Screenshot from "The Bear"

16. "Never any clean towels. One time my ex knew I was staying over, and he had absolutely no clean towels — gave me a T-shirt to dry off with."

A pile of towels

17. And lastly, "A giant 'Live, Laugh, Love' sticker on a blank white wall."

"Live Laugh Love"

You can read the original thread over on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.