50 Photos That'll Make '90s Kids Say, "Oh Wow, That Was The Best Time Of My Life"


    1. The neighbor/teacher/life coach you wanted in your life:

    2. Discovery Zone, aka the best place to have a birthday party:

    3. The ultimate accessory for your Nintendo 64:

    4. The store you always ran to first at the mall:

    5. Gourmet meals:

    6. The smartest cartoon series of the '90s:

    7. The reason you wanted to go to Orlando:

    8. Dusty pull-down maps:

    9. The greatest sports movie ever:

    10. And the second-greatest sports movie ever made:

    11. The soundtrack that EVERYONE owned:

    12. The CD that delivered all the hits...from 1990–91:

    13. The most eeky and confusing thing to play with:

    14. This weird ponytail contraption:

    15. The jingle you remembered more than the candy:

    16. Sitting on cheeseburgers while you ate McNuggets (or maybe cheeseburgers):

    17. Disney VHS tapes in clamshell cases:

    18. Orange Nickelodeon tapes:

    19. The ultimate movie tie-in product:

    20. The ultimate movie fast-food tie-in toys:

    21. A wooden host that was meant to be wooden:

    22. A whole world in your pocket:

    23. The toy that gave your parents a headache:

    24. The ~fruit~ that came in string form:

    25. The ~fruit~ that came in frozen-juice form:

    26. The mirror that transported you to an enchanted world:

    27. The toy that smelled so weirdly intoxicating:

    28. The original way to watch viral videos:

    29. Literary classics:

    30. The best snack you could ask for:

    31. The teacher who put her students in some really questionable situations:

    32. This creepy thing — whose gibberish would wake you up at 3:30 a.m.:

    33. ~Designer~ bedding:

    34. The books that had National Geographic shook:

    35. The ultimate alarm clock:

    36. These, which made learning so FUN:

    37. The best science teacher ever:

    38. A food you were meant to play with:

    39. Vanilla ice cream that also came with a hint of wood flavor:

    40. GIRL POWER:

    41. These markers that were used primarily to make homemade ~tattoos~:

    42. The shampoo that burned the fuck out of your eyes:

    43. True squad goals:

    44. The most fucking annoying and creepy commercial ever:

    45. The most hypnotizing screensaver ever:

    46. The bare-ankle destroyer:

    47. The football that you secretly played with in the house:

    48. Dusty gum:

    49. The Disney character that always managed to get you out of your seat and dancing:

    50. And finally, the night sky (that fell on your head while you slept):