18 Insults Sophia Issued On "The Golden Girls" That Were Epically Funny And Savage

    Picture it: Miami, the mid-'80s...

    1. When she gave Blanche a pep talk with a heaping helping of shade:

    2. When she was brutally unsentimental towards Rose:

    3. When she gave Dorothy some good advice — served with a LARGE side of shade:

    4. When she issued this ever-so-subtle jab at Blanche:

    5. And when she issued this not-so-subtle jab at Blanche:

    6. When she took an opportunity to burn Dorothy while just asking a question:

    7. When she took an opportunity to burn Dorothy in front of children:

    8. When she implied that Blanche is only good on her back:

    9. When she had an answer to how Blanche got over her broken heart:

    10. When she called Rose an accident:

    11. When she drew this comparison:

    12. When she had her own special way of thanking Blanche:

    13. When she made it clear to Rose that she didn't want to deal with one of her stories:

    14. When Sophia knew Rose, Dorothy, and Blanche’s real worth:

    15. When she said she'd rather be dead than be like Rose:

    16. When Sophia pointed out that Dorothy’s sex life was no Harlequin Romance novel:

    17. When she was happy to point out to Blanche that her love life did NOT include contracting chlamydia or gonorrhea:

    18. And finally, when she quickly put a damper on Blanche’s seduction: