29 Photos Of Nostalgic Things That Older Millennials And Young Gen X'ers Will Immediately Remember

    Prepare to be swept away in a nostalgia wave.

    1. Cordless phones that came with the round shiny buttons that felt like you were pushing down on M&M's:

    A cordless phone

    2. Nutri-Grain bars when they came in the very shiny wrapping with colors that matched the flavors:

    A Nutri-Grain bar

    3. Kinko's stores, which always smelled like printer ink and running computers. It was also a lifesaver because it was open 24 hours a day, so you could get something printed at the last minute:

    Kinko's advert

    4. Walt Disney Mini Classics VHS tapes, which were usually, like, 20-minute old short animated movies:

    "Peter and the Wolf"

    5. Blank VHS tapes that everyone kept extras of on hand so that they could tape a game, movie, or TV show:

    Blank VHS tapes

    6. The Crocodile Mile slip-and-slide toy that had the infectious "You run, you slide, you hit the bump, and take a dive" jingle in the commercial:

    A kid using a slip-and-slide

    7. Suncoast Motion Picture Company, which was a must-stop-in store whenever you went to the mall:

    A Suncoast Motion Picture Company sign

    8. Butterfinger's commercials that featured the Simpsons:

    Screenshot of a Butterfingers commercial

    9. The Jock Jams CD, which you heard at at least 10 birthday parties or family get-togethers:

    Jock Jams

    10. McDonald's McSalad Shakers salads, which, while convenient to carry, felt a lot like eating a salad out of a Frappuccino cup:

    McSalad Shakers

    11. Jessica Simpson's Dessert Beauty line that you were tempted to taste more than actually use:

    Jessica Simpson's beauty line

    12. Having to type WWW first before searching any website:


    13. Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies VHS aerobics series, which the infomercials for played nonstop on the weekends:

    Richard Simmons VHS tape

    14. This exact People magazine coffee table book, which your mom or grandma had displayed on their coffee table (and still might):

    People Magazine book

    15. Disney Adventures magazines when they were pocket-sized and featured celebrities on the cover alongside Disney cartoon characters:

    Disney Adventures magazine

    16. Pottery Barn stores when all the furniture inside of them was beige or pale woods:

    Pottery Barn

    17. And Restoration Hardware before it was rebranded RH and sold Americana and Craftsman style items — along with the walls being painted a soft minty green color:

    A woman shopping

    18. Watching Entertainment Tonight until the end of the episode to see all celebrities celebrating birthdays that day:

    "Entertainment Tonight"

    19. Flintstones Push Up pops, which were the best treat you could have on a hot day:

    A Flintstones Push Up pop

    20. Steve Urkel doing crossover episodes on all the TGIF shows:

    Steve Urkel on "Step by Step"

    21. And the talking Steve Urkel doll, which was part of Urkel-mania:

    A Steve Urkel doll

    22. BMG Music, which was the competitor to Columbia House:

    BMG music catalog

    23. Kmart's KCafe, which was the spot to get a cherry Icee and a slice of Little Caesars pizza:


    24. Subway's Sub Club cards, which you always seemed to forget to bring whenever you went to Subway:

    Sub Club cards

    25. The RealPlayer, which was nearly impossible to watch even the smallest video clips with:


    26. Using paper ballots to vote for things like class president, and then putting them in old wooden boxes that the school probably has had since they opened:

    A person putting their vote in a box

    27. Having to look through a stack of photo envelopes to find which one had your name on it whenever you took your film to get developed:

    Photos for pick-up

    28. The bus driver in the Bubble Tape commercial:

    Screenshot of a Bubble Tape commercial

    29. And lastly, the Quik Drop box at Blockbuster Video stores that seriously saved you (or your parents) from having to pay the late fee:

    Quik Drop