27 Creepy AF Santa Photos That'll Just Make You Say "Why?!"

    You'd better watch out, 'cause these Santas will haunt your dreams all year round!

    1. This demon Santa was for sure summoned from the depths of hell:

    2. Speaking of demons, this Santa looks like he is in need of an exorcism:

    3. Um...this Santa has one evil side-eye:

    4. Why does this Santa look like he has some serious anger issues?

    5. Is this supposed to be Santa or Immortan Joe from Mad Max: Fury Road?

    6. There is definitely a Disney Villain-esque look to this Santa:

    7. JEgf,gn we,mgbwrlwrjwr:

    8. You know what a Santa photo doesn't need? A frightening clown...

    9. ...or a possessed looking ventriloquist dummy!

    10. I'm pretty sure that is Jigsaw from the Saw movies in that Santa costume:

    11. This little girl just realized Santa is about to drop her:

    12. This photo was taken seconds before this Santa dropped dead of old age:

    13. This kid is probably wondering why Santa is using him as a crutch:

    14. This Santa looks like he put way too much bourbon in his milk:

    15. Who the fuck is that on the right?!

    16. This kid's face says it all:

    17. Santa looks like he had a wild night the night before up at the North Pole:

    18. This Santa has definitely seen some things (and I am sure one of them has been a more than one dead body):

    19. I really want to know why in the hell that Santa has a black eye:

    20. And I really want to know why this Santa is wearing blue eyeshadow:

    21. OMG, those eyes!!!

    22. This just looks like some kind of horrible Eyes Wide Shut fever dream:

    23. I'm pretty sure this is just Saruman from Lord of the Rings:

    24. While this Santa apparently just showed up drunk:

    25. This Santa looks like he is holding back a bad case of the hangover barfs:

    26. Eek! Nope.

    27. And finally, remember, Santa knows if you’ve been bad or good…so you’d better be good for goodness sake, ‘cause Santa is watching you:

    And he is creepy as all fuck: