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    Guys Are Sharing The Most Regrettable Decisions They Made In Their 30s, And For Some It Changed Them For The Better

    As Winston Churchill once said, "All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes."

    Obviously, we make mistakes in every decade of our lives. However, when you're in your 30s, you really do start coming into your own and hope that "life experience" has made you wiser and you're able to avoid making bad life choices.

    Patrick Dempsey in Grey's Anatomy saying "I'm a human being, I make mistake, I'm flawed; we all are"

    Recently, I stumbled upon this Reddit thread from a few years ago where user u/YanDancerUK asked men over 30, "What was your biggest mistake in your 30s? Your answer can be in all areas of life."

    Jensen Ackles saying "Mistakes were made"

    Well, lots of men revealed the things they did in their 30s and look back on with regret. Here are the top and best comments:

    1. "Settling for a relationship that was good enough instead of being willing to be alone to find someone great. Being lonely sucks, but waking up next to someone you don't feel passionate about for nearly a decade is even worse."

    A man and a woman lying with their backs to each other in a bed

    2. "Still drinking alcohol after age 34 or 35 when my body couldn't deal with it well anymore."

    Close-up of a glass of liquor held by someone with their hand on their face

    3. "Waiting until my mid-30s to get serious about my health."

    A man doing a pushup in a class

    4. "Not saving enough money. 💸💸💸💸💸💸"

    Coins dropping into a piggy bank

    5. "Probably the single biggest among my regrets was bad relationships. Both friends and romantic. Keeping friends close who had no business being in my life, dating women I contrived relationships with who I never related to other than fitting our ugly bits together. Remaining friends with people just because they would spend time with me, without asking if I should, even when I knew better."

    A person looking thoughtful with a group of smiling people behind them

    6. "Butting heads with your boss might feel temporarily gratifying but is not at all a good idea. If you consider your boss to be inept or cruel, the answer is to find a new boss. You aren’t gonna change them or prove to anyone higher up that your supervisor is a moron, even if they objectively are."

    Two people arguing in an office

    7. "Just wasting time worrying."

    An anxious-looking man

    8. "Not leaving a job I knew I hated less than six months in. Worked there five years because every time I tried to leave, something else would happen in life that convinced me to stay. I should have just said 'Screw it' and left when I knew it wasn’t right."

    Man looking worriedly at a computer

    9. "Not appreciating the good health I had and putting off tennis lessons, road biking, and visiting the sights of California. Now I'm in okay health, but all of my sports injuries are painful and I've had a scare, and I have a wife and kids who need the time I would have used for the extracurriculars."

    A smiling man in shorts with a backpack holds a water bottle and sits on a rock

    10. "I split from my ex at 29, and it took me years to even attempt dating. Even once I was willing, I chickened out more often than not. My 30s were completely without romance but for two very brief interludes. Next thing you know, I'm 40 and lonely, and it feels as if I'll stay that way forever."

    A man looking at his phone as a circle of women's photos swirls around him

    11. "Not seeing a doctor for seven years."

    A man in a hospital gown sitting on a doctor's office exam table

    12. "Thinking about past mistakes."

    Man looking thoughtfully out a window

    13. "Spending the entire decade on my career rather than personal life. Dating is a lot harder in your 40s, and my career has crumbled thanks to COVID anyway and probably won't be coming back anytime soon. I'm alone, jobless, lonely, and regretful."

    A man sits at a laptop and rubs his eyes

    14. "Envying others and wishing I was them instead of trying to be a better me."

    A man with his hand biting his nails and looking nervous

    15. "Not going to therapy in my 20s."

    Two men sit across from each other and talk

    16. "Acting as if I had all the time on my side."

    Photo image of half a digital clock in a person's hand and the expanse of the sky in the background

    17. "Thinking I had arrived in life and should be taken seriously just because I was in my 30s."

    Serious-looking man with his hands folded

    18. And lastly: "Acting as if I was in my 20s."

    Laughing man in a jean jacket and T-shirt looking carefree

    You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.