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    Non-Americans Are Sharing Things About The US That Surprised Them In A Good Way, And Really, They're So Quintessentially American

    Yes, the No. 1 answer was how nice us Americans are, but there were a few others I was not expecting.

    It goes without saying that for people who have never visited the US, it's natural to form overly generalized opinions about what the country is like based on TV, music, movies, news stories, social media posts, and, of course, what others who have visited have said about it.

    "See America"

    And recently, I stumbled upon this Reddit thread from a couple of years ago where user Crazy-Lemur asked: "Non-Americans of Reddit, what is something about America that surprised you in a good way?"

    A trolley in San Francisco

    Lots of non-Americans chimed in (along with some Americans) to share the pleasant things they discovered about the US after visiting it. Below are the top and best comments:

    1. "The amount of unused/untouched countryside."

    A mountainside by the beach

    2. "How much cereal selections you have!!!"

    A cereal aisle

    3. "Free refills at restaurants."

    Someone using a soda fountain

    4. "Alcohol is super cheap. And your national parks are beautiful and big, although very crowded."

    A beautiful mountainside

    5. "I went to the USA as an exchange student. Loved how the teenagers were so open-minded and the people were really nice."

    A group of young people smiling and hugging

    6. "I was surprised how friendly Americans are in general, and the willingness to help with accurate directions."

    People giving directions

    7. "Growing up in the UK, the stereotype I always heard was Americans are really nice...too nice...fake nice. Except New Yorkers. For me the good surprise was I expected this 'fake niceness' to piss me off, but it's actually really uplifting when everyone around you isn't miserable."

    A man laughing while talking to someone

    8. "My BF is non-American, and he says it’s the ability to get food at any hour."

    People outside of a food truck

    9. "I like how much Americans value their regional cultures."

    A parade

    10. "The air is so clean in the United States. Only when you come from a country with massive amounts of pollution (Beijing, China) do you really appreciate how blue the sky is and how fresh the air is."

    View from a mountaintop

    11. "That each state is a LOT bigger than I realize, especially compared to England."

    A US map

    12. "Brunch culture!"

    People clinking mimosas

    13. "How kid friendly it is. Like, 99% of bars and restaurants are genuinely happy to accommodate kids."

    A father and daughter eating in a restaurant

    14. "The width of the lanes on the highway!"


    "I’m an American living abroad, and I miss this the most. That, and how straight most roads are since so much of the country is flat. I have to drive twisting, winding, narrow roads with no guard rails where I live now, and it makes me appreciate American roads sooooo much more."


    15. "My God, if you've never tried an American burger and milkshake, make it your first priority upon arrival. And don't get me started on Texas BBQ!"

    A highway

    16. "I'm from Russia. I lived in America for a month, and the most surprising thing was how many flags of their country they have displayed everywhere. It's very patriotic!"

    American flags outside of houses

    17. And lastly: "The Cheesecake Factory!"

    The Cheesecake Factory entrance

    You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.