You're Wrong If You Think Something Other Than Chocolate Chip Is The Best Cookie

    Warning: You'll be craving a chocolate chip cookie after reading this post!

    Let's be honest, there are few more pure and wonderful moments in life* than enjoying a bite into a delicious freshly baked cookie.

    They are one of the fastest ways to put a smile on someone's face!

    But as yummy as they all are, there is only ONE cookie that really matters and it reigns supreme...

    ...that's the CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!!!

    Lets start with the fact that it is the quintessential cookie that ALL other cookies are always measured by.

    And probably because it's the perfect balance of sweetness (never too sweet) and savory (but never too salty).

    But more importantly, it has CHOCOLATE!!! And nothing makes life worth living more than chocolate.

    Sure, naysayers will say that you can have an all chocolate cookie. But, chocolate dough and chocolate chips are NOT the same. And honestly, a good plain cookie dough only ENHANCES a piece of chocolate to create the ultimate taste-gasm.

    Also, can you think of a better cookie to dip into milk, coffee, or hot chocolate? Nope, didn't think so.

    And lets not forget that they are the ONLY cookies you should use when making an ice cream sandwich.

    So the next time someone tries to tell you Oreos, or macaroons, or sugar cookies, or oatmeal raisin (gross, I know, but some people stan it) are the best, just tell them "NOPE, there is only ONE and that's chocolate chip!"