Straight Men Are Asking Gay Men The Questions They’re Too Afraid To Ask, And The Responses Are Honest And Judgement Free

    "Most gay men don't want to sleep with each other, and most of us have a type."

    It’s absolutely no secret that in many, many ways, gay men and straight men live in completely different worlds. While gay men grow up and live in a primarily heteronormative world that gives them a firm understanding of what life is like for straight men, the opposite tends to be the case for straight men — who either might not know any gay men, or if they do, know better than to ask questions that could come across as dumb and/or invasive. Naturally, this leads them to have lots of questions about gay culture.

    And several months go, Reddit user handsome_jack123 decided he wanted to answer some questions straight men might have — judgement free — asking: "Straight men of Reddit, what are questions you’ve always had for gay men, but been too afraid to ask?"

    Well, needless to say, the thread received LOTS of questions that handsome_jack123 and other gay Reddit members did their best to answer (and yes, I realize these answers don't/ won't apply to every gay man). Below are some of the top-voted and best questions and answers:

    1. "Are there any struggles or hurdles in a gay relationship that you think people in a hetero relationship are unlikely to experience?"

    Two men holding hands.

    2. "How is it to be friends with a straight man that is your type?"

    Two men smiling and saying cheers in a bar.

    3. "How do you feel about straight men/women in places like gay bars, drag shows, etc.? I’ve been invited to a couple a few times but didn’t go because I’ve felt those places weren’t 'my places.' I'm fine with them existing and wasn’t worried about being hit on, but that’s not really a place I would go as they aren’t 'for me.'"

    A drag queen dancing for a crowd at a club.

    4. "Does anal sex/prostate stimulation really feel that good? I've tried stimulating my prostate, and all I get is the urge to pee."

    An anal sex toyl

    5. "Do you guys really not get along with lesbians?"

    6. "How scared is the gay population of HIV/AIDS still? I know that its heyday was in the '80s and '90s, but is it still something spoken about in hushed terms?"

    A pair of hands holding a red ribbon.

    7. "Is it problematic or bothersome to you that straight women seem to love the 'gay stereotype' of a man?"

    A girl telling a guy, "Hush little homo, don't you cry. Mandy's gonna steal you a Prada tie."

    8. "This is just conjecture. But I wonder if gay men who spent their formative years in an environment where being friends with girls was the only safe option are more likely to express feminine qualities? I’m a straight woman, but spent most of my time around boys growing up. I’ve often been told I have a 'masculine energy.'"

    A man with glitter in his beard.

    9. "Would you ever wing man for a straight friend?"

    10. "Exactly how do you go about meeting people when you're the statistical minority? As a straight dude, it's hard enough to meet partners when your sexuality is the 'default.'"

    Dating apps on a smart phone.

    11. "Who's surname is adopted after marriage?"

    Two men in tuxedos embracing and smiling.

    12. "Hetero male teenagers are the absolute worst when it comes to treatment of young gay men, who are already having trouble accepting who they are. Based on your experiences, what is something you recommend I can do as an adult male figure that’ll protect that young gay man and help them accept them for who they are and be proud of it?"

    Characters from Glee in Halloween costumes.

    And finally...

    13. "What gay stereotypes do you despise?"

    You can read the full thread of questions and responses on Reddit.

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.