23 Hilarious Tweets About Being An Adult That'll Have You Laughing And Feeling Seen

    Well, I feel seen.

    It goes without saying that the whole "adulting" thing is just one big series of things you wish you'd known and things you're sort of forced to do.

    So, in the spirit of all of us trying to figure out how to be adults, here are some hilarious tweets that perfectly sum up adulthood:

    Also, follow these tweeters to bless your TL with some A+ tweets.


    Adulthood is relating to Oscar the Grouch more than Elmo

    Twitter: @adamgreattweet


    Adulthood is basically just trying to fall asleep at night and stay awake during the day.

    Twitter: @Eden_Eats


    like 90% of adulthood is saying “wow I can’t believe it’s already (holiday name)” to your friends every month til you die I think

    Twitter: @holy_schnitt


    Adulthood is just saying, “what a week!” after every week

    Twitter: @thefaithasaurus


    the real challenge of adulthood is having to buy things that were magically just in your house growing up. like q-tips, windex, laundry detergent, salt .. like lmao oh I gotta purchase these shits?

    Twitter: @iamsashakae


    Adulthood is literally lesson after lesson... no breaks 😂

    Twitter: @FiyinTMO


    Adulthood is deciding that you like olives.

    Twitter: @beingbernz


    Adulthood is basically whispering "what the fuck" under your breath every time u get a phone call...

    Twitter: @safwanxnabeel


    Adulthood is mostly whispering "fuck" every single minute.

    Twitter: @dinesh__bhanot


    Adulthood is waking up feeling less well rested every day until you finally just don’t wake up at all one day, isn’t it?

    Twitter: @nursekelsey


    One of y’all said that adulthood is just constantly cleaning the kitchen and yes. Accurate.

    Twitter: @MoAshlei


    Adulthood is wanting to cry for 4 days straight but not having the time

    Twitter: @wolfyneyda


    adulthood is being excited to swap tips on sleeping positions to alleviate back pain

    Twitter: @TimHerrera


    Adulthood is really waiting on one email to change your life.

    Twitter: @Cairo_Mathebula


    Remember at school when you would press 'demo' on the electric piano and pretend you were really playing it? Well that's what adulthood is but all the time and in every situation

    Twitter: @TechnicallyRon


    The hardest thing about adulthood is still having to show up when you have absolutely no desire to.

    Twitter: @DamiOyedele


    In my experience, adulthood is mostly piling stuff up on surfaces and then eventually having to clean off those surfaces

    Twitter: @helgagrace


    the biggest scam of adulthood is the price of a rug

    Twitter: @jeremywball


    Adulthood is thinking “next week will be less busy” until you die

    Twitter: @Brocklesnitch


    Adulthood is realizing when your parents didn’t like your teenage music they were correct.

    Twitter: @McJesse


    One of the worst parts of adulthood is constantly having to buy the most boring shit imaginable.

    Twitter: @GraceGFreud


    Adulthood is taking a preventative Advil

    Twitter: @OfficialKat


    Twitter: @TheJessieWoo