25 Pictures That'll Be A Wonderful Nostalgic Escape For Anyone Between The Ages Of 26-34

    Sail away, sail away, sail away...back to the '90s.

    1. The one cartoon you only watched at your grandparents house 'cause they didn't have cable:

    2. The first car you ever drove:

    3. The first ~hard-earned~ money you ever got:

    4. The one circular you always grabbed on Sundays:

    5. This Looney Tunes poster that tried so hard to make them hip:

    6. This totally reasonable way to deal with the death of a Tamagotchi:

    7. The Pizza Hut commercials with Pizza Head that made you both hungry and feel sorry for a slice of pizza:

    8. Mouse Trap, the game that was just as fun to put together as it was to play:

    9. The coolest way you could learn about animals:

    10. The carpet at Chuck E. Cheese's that was always covered in old gum, spots, and dirt:

    11. The Lion King spoons that were a game changer for how you ate your cereal:

    12. These coin purses that were your first ~savings account~:

    13. These art cases that just brought out all your inner creativity:

    14. The best way you could learn how to paint...

    15. ...and the best way you could learn about science:

    16. These Hercules plates that were truly your fine china:

    17. These glow-in-the-dark blocks that you never saw anyone have IRL:

    18. The first talking cars you remember:

    19. The toy that had the best jingle:

    20. The best thing you could do with the comics after you were done reading them:

    21. The first address you knew by heart:

    22. The commercial you could recite by heart:

    23. The best snack you could have after school:

    24. DZ Discovery Zone, the best place you could have a birthday party at:

    25. And finally, the Pure Moods commercial, which was soooo soothing:

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