19 Tweets About Being Lazy That Are Both Relatable And Inspiring

    "Just dropped my Roku remote. I was so lazy I just downloaded the phone app instead of picking it up."

    1. This reminder that Amazon Prime has so many benefits:

    This will go down in history as the laziest thing I've ever done. I live 6 minutes from the grocery store, but I waited 2 hours for Amazon Prime Now to deliver me milk to make tea. Hoooly shit

    2. This one on getting your friends to do things for you:

    the laziest thing i've ever done was made the person i was texting come all the way to my house to turn off my light but hey what a good bud

    3. This ~hack~ to try when you gotta do the dishes:

    I think the laziest thing I've ever done is wash the dishes while sitting down.

    4. This easy way to see what's to eat:

    Face timing my brother to see what's in the fridge has to be the laziest thing I've ever done

    5. This one on resourcefulness:

    Just stirred my hot chocolate with a comb just because I couldn't be bothered to go get a spoon. Possibly the laziest thing I've ever done🙈

    6. This reason why apps make our lives easier:

    Pretty sure this might be the laziest thing I've ever done: I thought I heard rain, checked weather.com instead of looking out the window...

    7. This other reason why apps make our lives easier:

    Just dropped my Roku remote. I was so lazy I just downloaded the phone app instead of picking it up.

    8. This way to get both more sleep and save money:

    I was so lazy I slept for dinner

    9. This one on being practical:

    I think the laziest thing I've ever done is bring the toaster to my room so I could keep making toast without getting up

    10. This time-saving hack:

    Kept my makeup on from last night so I wouldn't have to do it in the AM #laziestthingever

    11. And this other time-saving hack:

    The laziest thing I've ever done? Last night I slept in my clothes so I wouldn't have to wake up 5 minutes earlier to get dressed.

    12. This way to push laundry day back another week:

    One time I was so lazy I just bought more socks and underwear instead of doing laundry

    13. This trick to try on laundry day:

    I was so lazy I just folded the clothes lying down #madskills

    14. This space key hack:

    Once I was so lazy I couldn't be asked to lean forward to use my keyboard to press the space key so I used my mouse to copy a whitespace character and paste it where I wanted it #LazinessRules

    15. This #TBT:

    In Elementary School I was so lazy I did a Science Fair project on the best glass cleaner. No lie.

    16. This way to avoid going downstairs:

    I was so lazy I didn't feel like going downstairs to get my toothbrush so I spent 10 minutes opening a new one.

    17. This trick when you need a mug in a pinch:

    today i was so lazy i made tea in a measuring cup instead of washing a mug

    18. This way to not unload the dishwasher:

    I was so lazy I ran the dishes thru the dishwasher twice bc I didn't feel like putting them away

    19. And finally, this good reason to not to use Twitter:

    I think the laziest thing I’ve ever done is watch YouTube instead of browsing twitter because it was ‘too much work to scroll’