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19 Things We All Did As Kids That Are Weird In Retrospect

It was those things that gave you the sense of “ahhhhh.”

1. The gratifying feeling you got when pushing down hard on the buttons of an old landline phone.

2. Wrapping your finger (or yourself) around the telephone cord while you had a conversation.

3. Whenever you got a PERFECT newspaper comic imprint on your Silly Putty.

4. Finding change in the slot of a payphone.

5. The smell of a freshly opened pack of Pokémon cards.

6. Drawing the exact ghost face you wanted on your lollipop ghost on the first try.

7. Being able to open up a brand-new CD without scissors or a knife.

8. Successfully winding up the reel of a ~broken~ tape with a pencil.

9. Spending a few minutes just blowing air into an empty Capri Sun pouch.

10. Organizing and reorganizing all of the supplies in your art case.

11. Flipping a brand-new flip-book for the very first time.

12. Moving these pieces are the board just to hear the "clicky" sound.

13. Opening your school milk carton correctly on the first try.

14. Getting your school's old three-hole punch to not only line up perfectly straight but ALSO have it punch through all your papers on the first try.

15. Getting a photo-viewer keychain (which you usually you got at your local fair or theme park) and immediately looking at it in different lights to see how weird you could make it look.

16. Trying to write your name as neat as you could on the side of these waxy cups:

17. The "click" noise you would get when rotating the wheel of your disposable camera.

18. Clicking on all the colors at once on these pens.

19. And finally, the feeling of peeling off dried paste from the palm of your hand.