17 Aggravating Everyday Moments We've All Experienced At Least Once, But That Our Parents Never Had To Deal With

    "I see you watch all my Instagram stories, but never like anything I post" is a mood.

    1. When you want to stalk someone on Insta but realize their account is set to private:

    2. When you're Uber or Lyft is a minute away from picking you up and makes a random turn and is now 10 minutes away from picking you up:

    3. When whoever's HBO Go account you're using decides to change their password:

    4. When it's obvious your friend didn't watch the vid you shared with them:

    5. When you don’t pay for extra iCloud storage and are forced to either NOT take a photo or delete older photos to make space:

    6. When you’re excited to see Amazon has the product you want at a better price, but then realize it’s not eligible for Prime:

    7. When a new album drops, but it's an exclusive for a music streaming service you don't subscribe to:

    8. When you want to listen to a song and realize that it's not available ANYWHERE:

    9. When you're just a few bucks (or sometimes cents) away from free shipping BUT can't find one more thing you want:

    10. When you want to reply back, but stop texting 'cause you see the other person texting — and it seems like it's taking them a decade to compose it:

    11. When you reply to a text immediately and then don't get one back:

    12. When you finally get the text response back, but at the most inconvenient time:

    13. When you have at least 10% battery life, but your phone dies anyhow:

    14. When your WiFi works everywhere in your house except for when you're lying in bed:

    15. When someone always looks at your Insta stories, but never likes any of your photos:

    16. When you try resetting your password to a website, but you get this error message:

    17. When you mobile-order your food but still end up having to wait a while when you get there:

    18. When you click on a YouTube video and the (long) commercial before it won't let you click through, even though it says you can:

    19. And finally, when your friends tag you in a photo where everyone looks great but you: