19 Cats That Made Just Hilariously Horrible Choices

    These kitties might have had a worse day than you.

    1. This cat who is probably thinking, Don't you dare take a picture:

    So my cat Henry got himself stuck between the glass and wooden front door. The glass door doesn't always close all… https://t.co/9INLjEkOHg

    @SheikahWolf / Twitter / Via Twitter: @SheikahWolf

    2. This cat who was just trying to see what was going on outside:

    @jordanrae316 / Twitter / Via Twitter: @jordanrae316

    3. This cat who was just like, "Fuck it, I'll just wait until someone sees me!"

    @kyrstencaulkins / Twitter / Via Twitter: @kyrstencaulkins

    4. This cat who just wanted to know what dog food tasted like:

    My cat got stuck in a can and couldn't get it off 😂😂😂

    @Lin_LinXo / Twitter / Via Twitter: @Lin_LinXo

    5. This cat whose derrière left him in a precarious situation:

    Who hasn't eaten a couple of extra biscuits & got stuck in a cat flap?! Helping a "cuddly" cat get unstuck is part… https://t.co/lWhXIYodrh

    @BrockTaylor1 / Twitter / Via Twitter: @BrockTaylor1

    6. This cat who couldn't quite rock a visor right:

    My cat got stuck in a visor, idk what happened

    @causekha0s / Twitter / Via Twitter: @causekha0s

    7. This cat who was just trying to see what was going on above him:

    Kori's cat got it's head stuck in their deck 😩😂 @KoriPentzer

    @sarahreinecker / Twitter / Via Twitter: @sarahreinecker

    8. This cat who just wanted to snuggle in a sleeve:


    @ogbluntbone / Twitter / Via Twitter: @ogbluntbone

    9. This cat who just wanted a good view of the room:

    my cat got stuck on top of the door but she ended up just chilling lmao

    @halfbluds / Twitter / Via Twitter: @halfbluds

    10. This cat who just wanted a good view of the neighborhood:

    Dude! Our cat got stuck 😩🐱@Cali_Maade

    @_Ana_Vega / Twitter / Via Twitter: @_Ana_Vega

    11. This cat who maybe just wanted to wipe his runny nose?

    Our cat got her head stuck in a Kleenex box and there's no way I'll ever stop laughing. (@LJ_Tynan)

    @Matthew_Tynan / Twitter / Via Twitter: @Matthew_Tynan

    12. This cat who is clearly not amused that he got stuck in a tree:

    Piper got stuck in a tree today so my dad had to get her a ladder. She fails as a cat lol

    @Bayleealyssa / Twitter / Via Twitter: @Bayleealyssa

    13. This cat who somehow managed to get inside a bathroom drawer:

    i'm trying to understand how my cat got its self stuck in a drawer ???

    @JadeStandley / Twitter / Via Twitter: @JadeStandley

    14. This cat who just wanted to feel the breeze:

    Sonny got his claws stuck on the metal screen door again like the ridiculous cat that he is.

    @mycatisblued / Twitter / Via Twitter: @mycatisblued

    15. This cat who was just doing its thing:

    My cat was chasing a moth and she got stuck lol

    @Paige_Leoni / Twitter / Via Twitter: @Paige_Leoni

    16. This cat who just wanted some water:

    if you're having a bad morning here's a cat stuck in a case of water bottles

    @bbybellsz / Twitter / Via Twitter: @bbybellsz

    17. This cat who was just trying to get into the Christmas spirit:

    my cat is stuck in my christmas tree help

    @loveIytrees / Twitter / Via Twitter: @loveIytrees

    18. This cat who just went looking for a pair of pants:

    we still don't really know how my cat got stuck in the middle of those hangers

    @darthweger / Twitter / Via Twitter: @darthweger

    19. And finally, this cat who somehow managed to get stuck between glass door and the screen door, while being suspended:


    @dylan_smith58 / Twitter / Via Twitter: @dylan_smith58