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    The Humboldt Squid Is The Most Terrifying Creature In The Ocean And Will Most Likely Haunt Your Dreams

    Continue at your own caution.

    If you ever find yourself swimming about 1,000 feet under the surface of the ocean in the equatorial waters off the Mexican coast -- there is a terrifying marine predator you should watch out for: The Humboldt squid.

    It's also called the "Red Devil" or "Jumbo Squid" and can grow to be up to 6 feet long and weight up to 100lbs.

    The Humboldt Squid has such a voracious appetite that it will attack anything it thinks it can eat, including humans's even been known to eat its own species INCLUDING its own brothers and sisters. Yikes, guys

    It uses the 100-200 barbed suction cups on its tentacles to pierce the flesh of its prey

    ...and then eat that prey with its baseball-sized, bone-crushingly strong BEAK

    One of its hunting tactics involves latching onto its prey and pulling it down so far into the depths of the ocean that it literally faints. It's like 'Blackfish' IRL

    As aggressive and vicious as it is, it does have natural predators which is why it uses jet-propulsion to fly through the water and eject itself into the air to avoid being eaten

    When divers hunt for it, the Humboldt Squid has been known to put up a fight even once it's been caught by spraying water and ink at its captors

    Oh, also: it's a monster

    ...I mean, have you seen that BEAK!?!?!

    The silver lining though is that it tastes delish!