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The 10 Best Breaking Bad Fan Mash-Ups

The Internet: the only place where someone will draw a Pokéball in Walter White's hand and we're all better off for it. Don't miss Breaking Bad only on AMC. Sundays, 9/8c.

The Internet's Best Breaking Bad Gifs

The best show on television by way of the Internet's greatest invention. What more could you possibly ask for? Don't miss Breaking Bad's triumphant return to TV, only on AMC. Sundays, 9/8c. (Watch out: spoilers ahead!)

25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Breaking Bad

Because knowing the nitty-gritty behind the most badass show on TV is, like, so Kafkaesque. Steel yourself for the return of Heisenberg when Breaking Bad returns to airwaves, only on AMC. Sundays, 9/8c. (Warning: spoilers ahoy!)