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    Passover: 8 Nights Of Cardboard As Told By GIFs

    Passover is always not that bad until it starts. Don't worry though, you're not alone in this journey towards freedom (or bread, but like same thing).

    All you want is a bagel, but you can't have it.

    The seder starts off great with the poppin' tunes of Pesach

    And mom starts getting a little bit too excited about the latest rendition of "These Are A Few Of Our Passover Things"

    All you want is some of that matzah ball soup that smells soooo good.

    The realization settles in that it's going to be a long night.

    Then it's time for the 4 questions. Why is this night different from all other ones?

    Your worst nightmares come true.

    My b.

    You wonder: who is Elijah and why does he never show up at the seder.

    Korech arrives. You get so excited that the meals almost here that you feel like celebrating by taking a risk.

    You FINALLY make it to the meal. AMEN.

    Fill your plate up, and pay the consequences.

    Matztahpation hits you real hard

    Do you think anyone is in the mood to sing after they just ate half their weight in brisket?

    Dessert time!

    You feel like a million bucks when you find the afikomen.

    You try to make the most of what you've got, but it just doesn't seem to be working out.

    People like to think they're not Ashkenazi to get away with things

    All your non-Jewish friends just have no sympathy

    But then it gets even more rough when you get home after a night out on the town and try to order some cheesy bread

    At this point you've just had it with the holiday.

    But then faster than you can say "chametz", you realize you've made it.