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    Bernie Sanders Tweeted The GOP Debate And It Was Wonderful!

    During Thursday's Nights debate, Bernie Sanders did what all liberals did. He live tweeted his anger with the Republican Party, and it was wonderful. Here are some of the best.

    He started off by sending us a tweet of him with his serious face on.

    Tonight, follow the debates live with me and use the hashtag #DebateWithBernie to join the conversation.

    Then like always, he got straight to the issues.

    Will Fox ask GOPers why the economy is much improved today over when Bush left office when we were losing 800k jobs/month. #DebateWithBernie

    He called out the Republicans about not talking about the Minimum Wage.

    Will any Republican talk about the need to raise the current starvation minimum wage of $7.25 an hour? #DebateWithBernie

    And about a woman's right to choose.

    Does any GOPer care about whether or not a woman, rather than the gov't, should make decisions regarding her own body? #DebateWithBernie

    And College Affordability.

    Hundreds of thousands of qualified young people cannot afford to go to college. Do the Republican candidates care? #DebateWithBernie

    And Criminal Justice Reform.

    Will Fox and the Rs discuss criminal justice reform and the need to end police killing of unarmed African-Americans? #DebateWithBernie

    Then with a stroke of luck, he found a candidate he liked.

    Tom Hanks. Finally. Somebody who makes some sense. #GOPDebate #DebateWithBernie

    To bad he isn't running. (Yet #TomHanks2016)

    Oh. It was just a movie trailer. #GOPDebate #DebateWithBernie

    He gave a shout out to the Pope, while waiting for someone address Climate Change.

    .@Pontifex says climate change is one of the great crises we face. I'm waiting for one word from Fox and the Rs on it. #DebateWithBernie

    When the Republican's were debating whether or not Social Security is something the government could afford, Bernie chimed in with his own plans.

    Social Security can pay every penny owed for next 18 yrs. Lift the cap on taxable income and it'll be solvent for decades. #DebateWithBernie

    He called out all the Republican's for their Massive SuperPACs.

    Check it out. How many of the candidates on the stage have super PACs funded by millionaires and billionaires? #DebateWIthBernie

    Well all the Republicans, but one.

    .@realDonaldTrump is the exception. He of course is his own super PAC. #DebateWithBernie

    After the debate was over he sent one last tweet.

    It's over. Not one word about economic inequality, climate change, Citizens United or student debt. That's why the Rs are so out of touch.

    While Fox News argues about who won the debate, I have a feeling it was no one on that stage.

    During the #GOPDebate @BernieSanders gained over 10k new followers on Twitter with the hash tag #DebateWithBernie